Orange County NC Website
0 <br />3 <br />Charlie Home said that this information could be put together. Ed IEennrin said to start <br />with the letter from Chatham County (David Hughes) to the State. He said that he thinks it is <br />smart that Chatham Courrty wants to have its own allocation. <br />Randy iCabridk said that OWASA is one of the most forward thinking and Chatham <br />County is ten years behind OWASA in planning. <br />Commissioner Jacobs pointed out the letter from Orange County reganiing the rules for <br />the water supply nutrients. <br />Chair Carey said that he had hoped this meeting would go in the dinek~ion it is going and <br />this is just a start <br />Randy Voller said that he thinks they need to move quicker because the private sector <br />will force the hand. <br />Dan Coleman said that this needs to go balk to the respective boards. <br />Randy Voller said that it is important that they are consistent with the message and <br />cooperative; and the sooner, the better. He said that failure to plan is planning to fail. <br />2. Joint Parks/O~en Space AcauisitioNDeveloument <br />• Chapel Hill Southern Park shared use options <br />Chair Carey said that all entities are already working together on other things besides <br />Southern Park. Southern Park is imminent <br />Mayor Foy made nfen:nce to the data sheet on Southern Park. The work has just <br />begun on this 72-akxe park. The park will be 606 open space and it is very dose to Chatham <br />Courrty. Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Orange County have collaborated on this park. He made <br />reference to #8 for future phases, which is Future Fadlity Not Designated, and said that the plan <br />is for this to be a community center. This part would be pn~ty far into the future. He said that <br />there has been some discussion about whether Chatham County is interested in being a partner <br />with the development of this park, and how this would play out The Chapel Hill Town 13oani is <br />interested, but then: was a question about what the cooperative effort would look like, given the <br />fad that there is so much pressure with sokxer fields. He said that his recommendation is to <br />talk about this, and if Chatham County wants to move it along, then everyone can decide on the <br />poirrts to address in the cooperation. <br />George Luder said that Chatham County is in the process of acquiring land for a <br />northeast parkas well as in the north central part of the county for another park. He said that it <br />might be helpful to work towani some joint agreement for use of these parks cross-county. <br />Chair Carey said that it would be good to have the interested parses to have further <br />discussions about this. George Luder said that it will take the Recreation and Parks <br />Departrnerrts getting involved together. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Southern Park would probably be on line 3-4 years <br />ahead of the Chatham County parks. He encouraged the creation of partnerships that can start <br />now. There are thn~e socxer fiekis at Southern Park that will not have lights, and if there were <br />I'~ghts, then the usage could be extended. <br />Mayor Foy said that these things should be identfied and put on the table to discuss. <br />Mayor Foy and George Luder agn:ed to move fonnrard on this collaboration together. <br />Chair Carey said to make sure that all are involved, induding Pittsboro. Mayor Voller <br />said that P'rttsboro has land on the other end of the town, and there could be two large parks on <br />this land. He said that the plans for this could be sent to the other parties. This land is on 501. <br />George Luder said that, in relation to parks, there is a lot of impetus to create <br />greenways along the Haw River. He would like to help make this happen. <br />