Orange County NC Website
as <br />1 <br />2 1) Agree to participate in a regional, multi--county, value-added shan:d-use food and <br />3 agricultural processing center; <br />4 2) Formally alkx~te the former Orange Enterprise Building on Valley Forge Road in <br />5 Hillsborough for development of a n~ional value-added shared-use food and agricultural <br />6 processing center, <br />7 3) Recommend that the governing board of the Center become a 501(c)3; and <br />8 4) Agree that the Shansi monetary compensation for the Valley Forge Road property ('darn <br />9 2 above) will be determined later and request that equitable fiscal support among <br />10 partners be pursued that recogn¢es the allocation of the Orange Enterprise building <br />11 owned by Orange County. <br />12 <br />13 .This the 19'" day of February 2008. <br />14 <br />15 4. Joint Parks/Open Space AcouisitioNDevelopment <br />16 a. Southern Park <br />17 Mayor Foy said that it is almost finished, but there is a hold up on the fields because of <br />18 the watering issue. <br />19 Roger Stanal said that the staff is looking at drilling a well, artifiaal turt, or trucking water <br />20 in. <br />21 Mayor Foy said that he and George Lucier were supposed to talk and George Lucier <br />22 said that the respective Recreation and Parks Departments were supposed to get together and <br />23 discuss this. <br />24 Chair Jacobs suggested having a report by March 31 ~ for the AOG meeting and Mayor <br />25 Foy agreed. Chair Jacobs said there is a U. S. Communfies entity that counties can use to get <br />26 a group rate for different products, and the newest product is artfiaal turf. Orange County has <br />27 been talking about putting artfiaal turt at Smith Middle School fields, and it is about $1.5 million. <br />28 <br />29 b. Potential Greenway between Chatham and UNC <br />30 Dave Stanal said that Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft had told him that there <br />31 had been some conversation about a pedestrian corridor/greenway tying into the Southern <br />32 Village area of Chapel Hill. He did not know anything further about this. <br />33 <br />34 c. Jordan Lake Natural Area (macrosite) <br />35 Dave Stanal said that staff is continuing to work with some property owners. This would <br />36 build on existing open space. This natural area extends into Chatham and Durham. There is <br />37 slow but sure <br />38 <br />39 5. Transportation PlanninsUPublic Transportation <br />40 -Regional Planning Organization <br />41 -Special Transportation Advisory Committee <br />42 <br />43 Roger Stanal distributed a memo from Steve Spade, Transit Director, to him about an <br />44 update on staff activities n:lated to Chatham Courrty Transit Service. Several service options <br />45 are considering medications to the current Chatham County Express to serve the University, <br />46 operation of an express route reaching further into Chatham County from Chapel Hill, and the <br />47 introduction of vanpool service. There should be a more complete report in late .March. <br />48 Chair Jacobs asked when Orange Courrty and Hillsborough would be engaged regarding <br />49 Carolina North. ~ Roger Stanal said that he is having conversations with OPT about cooperative <br />50 arrangements between Chapel Hill Transit and OPT. <br />