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s <br />and Alamanoe Counties. He would like to work on improving the access point that is in Orange <br />Courrty. <br />Chair Carey said that both of those projects could be topics that staff can informally <br />discuss. <br />Tom Vanderbeck said that Alamance County is also looking at this and there have been a lot of <br />improvements on the access points. He said that this is worth looking into. <br />4. TDR Update strategic Grawtfi and Rural Conservation (Orange County will be <br />responsible for update) <br />Chair Carey said that Mayor Voller from P'ittsboro said at the last meeting that he was <br />interested in TDR. He distributed and reviewed a brochure about this entitled, `Strategic Growth <br />~ Rural Conservation Plan.' This has been discussed in Orange County for some time, but <br />small steps are being taken in order to do this in a manner that uses what the State can give <br />(i.e., density bonuses). The goal is not to slow growth, but to direct it to the appropriate areas. <br />Charlie Home asked if there was a formula for the swap and Craig Benedict said that <br />there are ratios that have been developed. It is an elaborate program and the entire math has <br />not been calculated yet. <br />Tom Vanderbeck said that this would have been useful in Chatham County years ago. <br />He sees Chatham County going with purchase of development rights. <br />7. Next Oroanaational Stet <br />Chair Carey said that at the last meeting, then: was discussion of having certain joint <br />meetings of full boards. He thinks that this may be appropriate at some point. He asked how to <br />approach this. <br />Mayor Chilton said that some items are short term and some are not. <br />Chair Carey said that there is a need to keep appropriate groups informed as to what is <br />happening. He asked if it would be appropriate to have the staffs meet, the Chairs and Vice- <br />Chairs to meet informally, or to have the Chairs, Mayors, and Managers meet. <br />Cari Thompson said that if the Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and Mayors continue to meet on a <br />regular basis, there will be a decision at some point that the full boards could meet He does <br />not think that a meeting of the full boards is needed yet. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested considering a steering committee. There is an <br />Assembly of Governments meeting in April, and maybe Chatham County could join this to focus <br />on a mechanism such as sub-committees, etc. <br />Mayor Chilton suggested going with a shorter list of topics to be covered in more depth. <br />All agreed. <br />8. Adjournment <br />The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />Iq <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />