Orange County NC Website
<br />Collaborative Planning Topics <br />1) Transportation <br />2) Utilities <br />3) Land Use Planning <br />4) Watier Resources <br />5) Parks and Environment <br />6) iMappinglGlS <br />7) Housing <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that at TJCOG meetings, there have been discussions of <br />developments of regional impact. He said that it would be nice to be able to discuss issues at a <br />more formal level. Developments at county lines are perfect examples. <br />Chair Carey said that the suggestion of a phased approach is good. <br />Craig Benedict said that a representative from OWASA and UNC also came to one of <br />the nrgional planning meetings. The intent is to keep these important players involved. <br />Carl Thompson agreed that there should be discussions between the jurisdictions, <br />because growth in western Chatham County is coming fast. <br />Mayor Chilton said that this issue is woven into the previous issues of water supply and <br />transit. He said that there should be a shared vision for what the 15-501 corridor will be like and <br />what kind of transportation should be here. He said that public transportation would be affected <br />by what type of developments will be built along this corridor route. <br />Tom Vanderbedc said that Chatham County is working on a corridor ordinance and 15- <br />501 is one of the corridors. Development along there got ahead of the convent County <br />Commissioners, so they are playing catch up. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that years ago there was a meeting with elected officlals <br />from Chatham and Orange Counties and some of the people from Orange County were <br />basically saying that they would not help Chatham County grow irresponsibly and that they <br />would not help Chatham County with water. He said that Orange County realizes that the <br />current Chatham County Board of Commissioners is a different group and there is a change. <br />He said that both Chapel Hill and Carrboro Boards want to facllitate communication with <br />Chatham County also. He said that he has confidence that the Chatham County Board of <br />Commissioners is working to get someplace good. All other elected offidals need to know that <br />Orange County and Chatham. County are partners in spirit as well as geography. . <br />Tom Vanderbeck said that the next meeting with Chatham County and TTA is November <br />1'~. <br />Carl Thompson said that the convent land conservation and development plan has been <br />a guiding light, and the board is intent on following that plan because this plan does outline <br />areas in their county where then: should be conservation, etc. <br />Mayor Chilton said that he represents Carrboro on the MPO-TAC, and one of the items <br />Chatham County has put forward to the TAC for federal funding is the Northeast Chatham <br />Roadway/Bicyde Plan. He would like to team more about this plan. <br />Charlie Home said that when DOT does road widening or other modfications, as part of <br />the expansion, it would widen the roadway to accommodate bicyclists. <br />Mayor Chilton said that it would be good for the two counties to bring a more systematic <br />approach to bicycle facllities between the Chapel HiIVCarrboro area and Pittsboro, and to <br />identify a speclfic corridor between the two arras targeting for widening projects, but not along <br />15-501. He would suggest Jones Feny Road. <br />Mayor Chilton said that another issue is the Haw River as a recreational resource. It is a <br />State natural area now and it might become a State park. He has observed that there have <br />been some signficant improvements for public access to the river along the bridges in Chatham <br />~S <br />