Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Chair Carey asked if there has been any facilitation of discussion at the State level about <br />decisions on the intake and Charlie Home said that he is not aware of anything at this point. <br />Chatham County is in active discussions with the State about increasing the allocation. <br />Mayor Chilton said that it seems that all want to work with Chatham County to make <br />something happen and that there ought to be an interconnection. The question is how to move <br />toward addressing details. He asked about the Army Corps' interest in having only one large <br />intake. Ed Kerwin said that he thinks it was for good resource management. <br />Mayor Chilton said that the bottom-line goal of this process should be that the actions of <br />the local governments would increase the qual"rty of water in Jordan Lake and Haw River. He <br />said that eventually it would be good if Pittsboro's drinking water supply came from Jordan Lake <br />rather than directly from Haw River. This would allow a larger section of Haw River to become <br />free-flowing. <br />Tom Vanderbeck said that this drought has highlighted the preciousness of drinking <br />water and he would like to highlight the need for better reuse of water. He thinks that UNC and <br />OWASA have set the bar high as far as reuse water. <br />Chair Carey asked about the collective action and next steps. <br />Mayor Chilton said that it might be helpful to have a conversation with elected ofFiclals in <br />Chatham County about the land use plans for northeast Chatham County. <br />Charlie Home said that Chatham County is hard at work revising land use plans to get a <br />better standard. He said that there should be more information in about 3-4 months. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that it might be worth asking that Chatham County and <br />OWASA staff give a few immediate requests that Orange County could make to the State <br />government that might move some of the derision-making forvwani. He suggested putting <br />together a letter from the elected ofFidals to the Governor. He said that the drought situation <br />could be thought of as the state of affairs as opposed to a crisis just this year. <br />Carl Thompson arrived at 7:28 p.m. <br />Chair Carey said that it seems that some of the watershed protection issues are <br />premature and there are some processes that an: working their way through the pipeline. When <br />these have been put in place, there can be more discussion. <br />4. Joint Parks/Ooen Suave AcauisitioNDevelo~ment <br />• . Update on Chapel Hill. Southern Park/Chatham shared use discussions <br />Roger Standl said that Mayor Foy and George Lucler have not had time to work on this <br />yet. <br />5. Transportation PlanninsUPublic Transportation <br />• Update on OPT/CTN/Chapel Hill Transit Coordination discussions <br />AI Teny said that in May 2007, Steve Spade, Chapel Hill Transit Director, and he met <br />with a consulting firm to discuss the opportunity to be included in the Regional Triangle <br />Development Plan, which is the Durham-Wake-Orange County consolidatioNcoordination effort <br />between the community transportation systems. The goal is to include Chapel Hill Transit's EZ- <br />Rider service in an effort to coordinate or consolidate Orange Public Transportation and EZ- <br />Rider into one service for one county. Wake and Dufiam Counties have one community <br />transportation system. Orange County has two because of the rural and urban sectors. He said <br />that there was a very successful discussion, and it will be included in the recommendations that <br />NCDOT look at this and -pass it down to the governing bodies of each area. Since then, the <br />15 <br />