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Attachment Two (2) -SUP Findings of Fact: <br />FINDINGS OF THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />PERTAINING TO REQUEST SUBMITTED BY MONTESSORI FARM SCHOOL (LISA WALLACE) <br />REQUESTING A CLASS A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A PRIVATE SCHOOL <br />AT 711 TERRY ROAD (SR 1573) <br />7 <br />Planned developments must comply with general and specific standards as set forth in Article Eight (8) for Special Uses. <br />Article 8.2.1 b) requires written findings certifying compliance with the following: <br />1. That the use will maintain or promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, if located where proposed and <br />developed, and operated according to the plan as submitted, <br />2. That the use will maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property, unless the use is a public necessity in which <br />case the use need not maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property; and <br />3. That the location and character of the use, if developed according to the Plan submitted, will be in harmony with the <br />area in which it is to be located and the use is complaint with the plan for the physical development of the County as <br />embodied in these regulations or in the Comprehensive Plan, or portion thereof, adopted by the Board of County <br />Commissioners. <br />Specific regulations goveming individual Special Uses as set forth in Article Eight (8) Section 8.8.30. These regulations are <br />divided into various sections that include: <br />(a) The requirements of Section 8.6 Contents ofApplication for Approval of Special Uses; <br />(b) The requirements of Section 8.8 Regulations Goveming Individual Special Uses, <br />(c) The requirements of Section 8.8.30 Schools: Elementary, Middle, and Secondary, and <br />(d) The requirements of Section 8.2. <br />Listed below are the findings of the Orange County Planning Department regarding the application in question. The findings <br />have been presented by Article and requirement to assist the Board in its deliberations. <br />ARTICLE 8 6 -APPLICATION COMPONENTS ("Yes" indicates comeliance: "No" indicates non-comaliancel <br />FINDINGS <br />Ordinance Requirements <br />Section 8.6 Contents of <br />Application for Approval of a <br />Special Use <br />The application for approval of a <br />Special Use shall be submitted <br />on forms provided by the <br />Zoning Officer. Such forms <br />shall be prepared so that when <br />completed a full and accurate <br />description of the proposed use, <br />including its location, <br />appearance, and operational <br />characteristics shall be <br />disclosed. <br />Additionally, the forms shall, <br />when completed by the <br />applicant, disclose the name(s) <br />and address(es) of the owner(s) <br />of the property involved, and all <br />relevant information needed to <br />show compliance with the <br />general and specific standards <br />goveming the Special Use <br />which is the subject of the <br />application. (See Section 8.2) <br />PLANNING BOARD <br />Findings: <br />x Yes No <br />EVIDENCE SUBMITTED <br />TO SUPPORT FINDINGS <br />The Planning Board voted <br />unanimously to make an <br />affirmative finding based on <br />the following: <br />1. The Board found that the <br />application was <br />completed on the <br />appropriate form provided <br />to the applicant by the <br />Zoning Officer, <br />2. The applicant contained <br />the names and <br />addresses of adjacent <br />property owners, <br />3. The applicant contained <br />all required information <br />as detailed within Article <br />Eight (8) of the Orange <br />County Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />RECOMMENDED <br />Findings: <br />x Yes No <br />