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Attachment Four (4) Neighbor Comments - 4B Information ~ ' <br />supplied to the P{anning Board: ~"- Ge ~~ <br />g ~ ~ `~~ <br />1 <br />August 4~, 2008 <br />Craig N. Benedict, AICP, Director <br />Michael D. Harvey, AICP, CZO, Zoning Enforcement Officer <br />Orange County Planning & Inspections Department <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />RE: Planning Board Review of a Class A Special Use Permit application by <br />the Montessori Farm School to develop a private school at 711 Terry Rd. <br />(TMBL 5.10..22/PIN 0806-76-4683) <br />Dear Mr. Benedict, Mr. Harvey, Planning Board, and County Commissioners, <br />Please include this document as additional information to be evaluated by the Orange <br />County Planning Baard and Orange County Commissioners in connection with the <br />Montessori Farm Schools application for a Class A Special Use permit. <br />In a Public Hearing under oath, information was introduced describing the Terry Road <br />Community objections to this proposed project. Printed and electronic copies of this <br />presentation were submitted. to the Commissioners. Included are significant points <br />omitted during the oral testimony because of time constraints. A signed petition of <br />Community protest constituting twenty-seven property owners was also submitted in <br />printed and electronic media. <br />The body of this letter is an attempt to re-align the key points, specifically, as they relate <br />to additional documentation sugparting the request that Orange County Planning Board <br />and the Orange County Commissioners deny the approval of this SUP application based <br />upon the applicants far failure to provide the burden of evidence required to support the <br />minimum requirements of the three main criteria that must be met pursuant to Orange <br />County Ordinance Chapter 50 Zoning, Sect 232, also know as provisions of Article Eight <br />(8) Special Uses and Section 8.8.30 Elementary, Middle, and Secondary of the Orange <br />County Zoning Ordinance. <br />Deference Information: <br />If you go to the Orange County Zoning Ordinance Article Eight {8), Section 8.2.1 <br />through Section 8.3, you will find the following language: <br />8.Z.,I Before any application for a special use shall be approved.• <br />a) The applicant shall have the burden of establishing; by competent material <br />and substantial evidence, the existence of the facts and conditions which <br />this chapter requires for approval; and <br />b) The Board shall make written ftndings certifying compliance with the <br />specifu: rules governing such individual special use and that the use, <br />which is listed as a special use in the district in which if is proposed to be <br />59 <br />