Orange County NC Website
5 <br />AGENDA ITEM 5-A: <br />Review of Class A Special Use Permit Proposing the Development of a Montessori School <br />TABLE OF CONTENTS: <br />Attachment Two (2) -Special Use Permit Findings of Fact:: Pages 7 through 35 <br />Attachment Three (3) -Staff review/comment memos: Pages 37 through 43 <br />1. Orange County Sheriff s Department Page 37 <br />2. Orange County Fire Marshal Page 38 <br />3. Orange County Solid Waste Pages(s) 39 through 40 <br />4. ERCD Page 41 <br />5. Environmental Health Page 42 <br />6. NC DOT (dated April 29, 2008) Page 43 <br />Attachment Four (4) -Neighbor Comments: Pages 45 through 89 <br />Attach ment 4A -From the Public Hearing: <br />1. Petition against the SUP application Pages 45 through 46 <br />2. Letter from Susan Reimer Page 47 <br />3. Power Point presentation -Keith Tilley Pages 48 through 56 <br />4. Letter from BJ Boyarsky Pages 57 through 58 <br />Attach ment 4B -Information Supplied to the Planning Board: <br />1. Letter from Keith Tilley Pages 59 through 63 <br />2. E-mail from Mr. and Mrs. McCallister Page 64 <br />3. E-mail from Ms. Ann Valentine Page 65 <br />4. E-mail from Ms. Kathy Hopwood Page 66 <br />5. Letter from Ms. Rachel Hensley Page 67 <br />6. Letter from Ms. Erika Hensley Foster Page 68 <br />7. Letter from Ms. Martina Day Page 69 <br />Attach ment 4C -Information from Mr. Keith Tilley refuting appraisal testimony offered at the June <br />25, 20 08 Public Hearing: <br />1. Impact Analysis (Sixteen (16) pages) Pages 71 through 86 <br />2. Letter from Ms. Kathryn White Pages 87 through 88 <br />3. Letter from Mr. John Tatreau Pages 89 through 90 <br />4. Letter from Mr. Michael Irwin Page 91 <br />Attachment Five (5) -Planning Board minutes Pages 93 through 123 <br />