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3 <br />7. That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring the applicant to adhere to any and <br />all additional conditions that may be imposed by NC DOT in accordance with their <br />driveway permit as part of the permit review for this project, <br />8. That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring the applicant submit to the Director <br />of Planning and to the Public Health authorities of the County, representatives of <br />Cooperative Extension, and other County officials as directed by the Planning <br />Director, a yearly certification that a veterinarian in good standing has reviewed the <br />status, health and welfare of the animals on site as of January 1 of each year and <br />certifies that the animals are in good health, <br />9. That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring the applicant to arrange for an <br />annual review by the County Extension agent regarding utilization of the site as a <br />demonstration farm to ensure there are adequate facilities for the care, health, and <br />safety of the animals and the applicant conforms to the U.S. Department of <br />Agriculture's Animal Care and Use requirements and Animal Welfare, <br />10.That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring the applicant adhere to the <br />bungalow style of construction as detailed within the renderings submitted as part of <br />the SUP application, <br />11.That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring the applicant to install the 30 foot <br />required buffer along Terry Road beginning at the furthest edge of the right of-way <br />and from the point there is sufficient site distance to enter and exit the property, <br />12.That the applicant shall be encouraged to promote car pooling programs for parents <br />utilizing the school facility, <br />13. That if any condition of this Special Use Permit shall be held invalid or void, then this <br />Special Use Permit shall be void in its entirety and of no effect, <br />14. The Special Use Permit will automatically expire within twelve (12) months from the <br />date of approval if the use has not commenced or construction has not commenced <br />or proceeded unless a timely application for extension of this time limit is approved <br />by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, <br />and <br />15.That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring the applicant make arrangements to <br />provide adequate parking arrangements on their property during special events and <br />any and all necessary measures to keep their guests from parking on neighboring <br />roads or on neighbors property' <br />Please refer to Attachment Two (2) of this package for the detailed SUP Findings of Fact <br />recommended by the Planning Board. <br />CITIZEN OPPOSITION: As previously indicated there has been vocal opposition from adjacent <br />property owners along Terry Road concerning the approval of this project. The opposition can <br />be summarized as follows: <br />1. Residents questioned the findings of the appraisal report completed by Mr. Everett 'Vic' <br />Knight. Specifically, comments were made by adjacent property owners that Mr. Knight <br />did not properly identify the current condition of the subject property within his report and <br />failed to properly define how the proposed school project will affect adjacent property <br />values once single-family residences are constructed upon them. <br />Staff Comment: On September 5, 2008, Mr. Keith Tilley submitted an impact <br />analysis consulting report, completed by Odell Appraisal Services, that he claims <br />