Orange County NC Website
23 <br />PLANNING BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED <br />FINDINGS Findings: TO SUPPORT FINDINGS <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />RECOMMENDED <br />Findings: <br />3b. Negative visual impacts x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />shall be minimized unanimously to make an <br />along any major affirmative finding based on <br />roadway. Negative the following: <br />visual impacts inGude, <br />but are not limited to, The applicant indicated that <br />loading/unloading the area along Teny Road will <br />areas, delivery areas, remain undisturbed. Plantings <br />air handling units (roof are proposed along Terry <br />top and other), parking Lane to minimize visual <br />areas for machinery, impacts of the project. <br />and storage buildings. <br />Appropriate screening <br />methods shall be used <br />to enhance the <br />aesthetic value of a <br />project. <br />3c.Transportation X Not Applicable The Planning Board voted X Not Applicable <br />improvements as unanimously to make a finding <br />deemed necessary by indicating that this item is not <br />the Traffic Impact applicable based on the <br />Study. following: <br /> There is no Traffic Impact <br /> Study required for this project <br />3d. The site shall be x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />designed to take unanimously to make an <br />advantage of multiple affirmative finding based on <br />shared use the following: <br />opportunities, which <br />may include a Park and The site plan indicates that the <br />Ride facility for public proposed parking lot has been <br />transportation. over sized to accommodate <br /> additional parking, although <br /> the Planning Board does not <br /> believe shared use <br /> opportunities are going to be <br /> necessary for this project <br />