Orange County NC Website
21 <br />PLANNING BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED <br />FINDINGS Findings: TO SUPPORT FINDINGS <br />13. Water recycled from X Yes No The Planning Board voted <br />stormwater retention unanimously to make an <br />ponds or treated affirmative finding based on <br />wastewater effluent may the following: <br />be used for irrigation <br />where it is a legally The site plan contains a note <br />permitted alternative. indicating that water from the <br />retentioNcatchment pond may <br />be used for irrigation. <br />j) Habitat Maintenance <br />J1. Habitats identified in the x Yes No The Planning Board voted <br />biological inventory and unanimously to make an <br />habitats created through affirmative finding based on <br />mitigation shall be the following: <br />maintained in <br />accordance with the The applicant testified that <br />Resources Management most of the property will <br />Plan and/or a remain undisturbed. <br />conservation easement <br />agreement; and <br />J2. Maintenance of habitats x Yes No The Planning Board voted <br />shall be minimal, unanimously to make an <br />consisting primarily of affirmative finding based on <br />maintaining buffers and the following: <br />enhancements, removal <br />of exotic (non-native) The applicant testified that the <br />plant species, and stream buffers identified on <br />keeping drainage ways the site plan will remain <br />functioning properly. wooded and undisturbed. <br />k) Crime Prevention through X Not Applicable The Planning Board voted <br />Environmental Design unanimously to make a finding <br />(Reserved) indicating that this item is not <br />applicable based on the <br />following: <br />There are no standards within <br />the Ordinance. <br />I. Public Road Access <br />Access to the school project x Yes No The Planning Board voted <br />shall be via existing public unanimously to make an <br />roads and shall conform to and affirmative finding based on <br />be in compliance with any the following: <br />public road access <br />management plan adopted by The site plan indicates that <br />Orange County. access to the project is <br />provided from Teny Road (SR <br />1573) <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />RECOMMENDED <br />Findings: <br />X Yes No <br />x Yes No <br />x Yes No <br />X Not Applicable <br />x Yes No <br />