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2 <br />During the Public Hearing there was, and has continued to be, vocal opposition to this project. <br />Several local residents made presentations at the Public Hearing requesting that this <br />application be denied. Staff has included these comments for review and consideration within <br />Attachment Three (3) of this document. <br />At the Public Hearing there was also concern expressed over the applicant providing perpetual <br />emergency vehicle access to the proposed school buildings (i.e. a dedicated, paved, fire lane). <br />During the review of the project by the Planning Board, the applicant indicated that the <br />emergency vehicle lane, as shown on the submitted site plan, would be paved and reserved as <br />a dedicated fire/emergency vehicle access lane. This has become a recommended condition of <br />approval for this project, specifically Condition Number Two (2). <br />PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Board reviewed this application at its <br />August 6, 2008 meeting. After reviewing the application, and reviewing additional comments <br />from surrounding property owners concerning this project, the Board voted unanimously to <br />recommend approval of the SUP application with the following conditions: <br />1. That the site plan be revised to denote a thirty (30) foot vegetative buffer along all <br />common property lines and that the SUP contain a condition requiring the applicant <br />to install and maintain a thirty (30) foot buffer to the Type A buffer standard as <br />detailed within Section 12.6.1 of the Ordinance and that further this required buffer <br />be shown on any and all submitted site plans proposing the development of this <br />property in accordance with Article Fourteen (14) of the Zoning Ordinance, <br />2. That a condition be placed on the SUP that the Fire Marshall and representatives of <br />the Caldwell Fire Department shall review and approve the revised site plan prior to <br />the issuance of any Building and/or Zoning Compliance Permit(s) approving the <br />location of all proposed improved fire lanes and stacking areas, verifying that they <br />comply with all applicable North Carolina Fire Protection Code standards, and <br />approve the use of the pond as a emergency water source for fire suppression <br />activities prior to the start of land disturbing activities, <br />3. That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring the applicant to apply for any and all <br />necessary septic and well permits from the Orange County Department of <br />Environmental Health within one hundred eighty (180) days from the approval of this <br />application and that such permits shall be issued prior to any land disturbing activity, <br />4. That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring the applicant to apply for a Building <br />and/or a Zoning Compliance Permit within one hundred eighty (180) days from the <br />approval of this application and that such permits shall be issued prior to any land <br />disturbing activity, <br />5. That a condition be placed on the SUP requiring that the applicant secure a Soil <br />Erosion and Grading permit from the Orange County Erosion Control Division within <br />(180) days from the approval of this application and that such permits shall be issued <br />prior to any land disturbing activity, <br />6. That the applicant, as part of their building permit application submission, shall <br />include documentation from the State of North Carolina indicating that the school has <br />received any and all necessary certifications allowing them to operate as a private <br />school and that their curriculum has been certified as meeting any and all local, <br />State, and Federal requirements, <br />