Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> PLANNING BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED ADMINISTRATION <br />FINDINGS Findings: TO SUPPORT FINDINGS RECOMMENDED <br /> Findings: <br />f) Drainage <br />F1. All drainage structures x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />will be installed and unanimously to make an <br />maintained according to affirmative finding based on <br />the approved the following: <br />Stormwater <br />Management Plan. The applicant testified that a <br /> grading and storm drainage <br /> plan was submitted for review <br /> and approval by Orange <br /> County Erosion Control and <br /> shall be adhered to. <br />F2. School projects that x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />include retention and/or unanimously to make an <br />detention ponds shall affirmative finding based on <br />comply with the the following: <br />requirements in Section <br />6.23.4, Operation and The applicant testified that the <br />Maintenance of school will maintain the <br />Structural Best retention basin area. <br />Management Practices. <br />g) Grading and Erosion <br />Control ' <br />G1. Plans for grading and x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />erosion control shall unanimously to make an <br />comply with standards affirmative finding based on <br />contained in the Orange the following: <br />County Erosion and <br />Sediment Control A permit will be issued by the <br />Ordinance and Manual Orange county Erosion <br />and, if applicable, The Control Division prior to the <br />North Carolina Erosion start of any land disturbing <br />and Sedimentation activity <br />Control Program rules; <br />G2. Construction shall be x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />phased to minimize unanimously to make an <br />disturbance and affirmative finding based on <br />sedimentation; the following: <br /> An erosion control plan, along <br /> with the sequence of the <br /> various construction projects, <br /> is part of the Erosion Control <br /> Permit. <br />