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17 <br /> PLANNING BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED ADMINISTRATION <br />FINDINGS Findings: TO SUPPORT FINDINGS RECOMMENDED <br /> Findings: <br /> <br />D1c. Corridors connecting x Yes No The Planning Board voted _Yes No <br />habitats identfied in the unanimously to make an <br />biological inventory shall affirmative finding based on <br />be preserved along the following: <br />streams, buffers, or other <br />wooded areas. If The applicant testified that <br />destroyed during while there are no protected <br />construction, such habitat areas on the property, <br />connections shall be the site plan designates an <br />restored using eighty (80) foot stream buffer <br />appropriate plant along the existing stream that <br />materials; is to be left in an undisturbed <br /> state. <br />D1d. Trees and stumps x Yes No The Planning Board voted _Yes No <br />cleared for roads and unanimously to make an <br />building construction affirmative finding based on <br />shall either be used for the following: <br />timber purposes or <br />shredded for landscape The applicant testified that <br />mulch, composted, mulch shall be generated and <br />buried or otherwise spread on the site or the yard <br />disposed of BUT NOT waste shall be disposed of in a <br />BURNED. manner consistent with County <br /> policies. <br />2. Berms, fences and X Not Applicable The Planning Board voted X Not Applicable <br />landscaping walls may unanimously to make a finding <br />be used with plant indicating that this item is not <br />materials for screening, applicable based on the <br />provided such features following: <br />are designed and located <br />in harmony with other Berms, fences and <br />site features and landscaping walls are not <br />functions. proposed for this project. <br />3. To minimize visual x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />impact by blending unanimously to make an <br />architecture into the affirmative finding based on <br />surrounding landscape, the following: <br />foundation plantings are <br />required at all The proposed tree and <br />freestanding entrance planting areas are consistent <br />signs. with surrounding properties. <br />4. Use of xeriscaping x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />principles. unanimously to make an <br /> affirmative finding based on <br /> the following: <br /> The applicant indicated that <br /> drought tolerant flora would be <br /> part the landscape plan. <br />