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13 <br />PLANNING BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED <br />FINDINGS Findings: TO SUPPORT FINDINGS <br />f) A Biological Inventory shall be <br />prepared in accordance with <br />Section B (b). <br />g) A Resources Management <br />Plan shall be prepared in <br />accordance with the criteria <br />contained in the Resources <br />Management Plan definition in <br />the Definitions Article of the <br />Zoning Ordinance. <br />X Yes No <br />x Yes No <br />The Planning Board voted <br />unanimously to make an <br />affirmative finding based on <br />the following: <br />A biological inventory was <br />submitted as part of the <br />application packet <br />The Planning Board voted <br />unanimously to make an <br />affirmative finding based on <br />the following: <br />A Resources Management <br />Plan has been prepared and <br />submitted in accordance with <br />the Zoning Ordinance and was <br />incorporated as part of the <br />submitted site plan <br />Section 8.8.30 (1) <br />If located within an EDD, the <br />application must meet the <br />following general standards of <br />the EDD Design Manual and <br />the Standards of Evaluation for <br />Schools if the school were to be <br />located in a zoning district other <br />than an EDD <br />Section 8.8.30 (2) <br />If the project is located within a <br />Zoning District other that EDD, <br />the applicant shall meet the <br />standards of evaluation as <br />follows: <br />X Not Applicable <br />The Planning Board voted <br />unanimously to make a finding <br />indicating that this item is not <br />applicable based on staffs <br />testimony that the proposed <br />school facility is not located <br />within an EDD Zoning District <br />a) The project meets all X Yes No The Planning Board voted <br />applicable design standards unanimously to make an <br />and other requirements of the affirmative finding based on <br />Zoning Ordinance and the the following: <br />Subdivision Regulations. <br />Site plans have been provided <br />demonstrating compliance <br />with applicable zoning <br />requirements. Further, the <br />Planning Board has made <br />specific findings relating to <br />compliance with relevant <br />portions of Articles Five (5) <br />and Six (6) respectively as <br />detailed herein. <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />RECOMMENDED <br />Findings: <br />X Yes No <br />x Yes No <br />X Not Applicable <br />X Yes No <br />