Orange County NC Website
10 <br />ARTICLE 8.8.30 SCHOOLS: ELEMENTARY MIDDLE AND SECONDARY -ADDITIONAL INFROAMTION: <br />("Yes" indicates comelianceā€¢ "No" indicates non ~omaliancel <br /> PLANNING BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED ADMINISTRATION <br />FINDINGS Findings: TO SUPPORT FINDINGS RECOMMENDED <br /> Findings: <br />Ordinance Requirements <br />In addition to the information <br />required by Subsection 8.2, 8.6, <br />and 8.8, the following shall be <br />submitted as part of the <br />application: <br />a) Twenty-six copies of the site x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />plan prepared in accordance unanimously to make an <br />with Article XIV (Section 14.1 et affirmative finding. <br />seq.) of the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> As previously indicated the <br /> applicant has submitted the <br /> appropriate number of site <br /> plans. <br />The Site Plan shall also show x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />the following information as unanimously to make an <br />required under Section 8.8.30 of affirmative finding based on <br />the Ordinance: the following: <br />1. Total student capacity of The site plan and application <br />school as designed indicates that the total student <br /> capacity is 120 students. <br />2. Total number of employees x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />at time of greatest shift unanimously to make an <br /> affirmative finding based on <br /> the following: <br /> The site plan and application <br /> indicates that the total number <br /> of employees will be 12. <br />3. Number and dimensions of X Not Applicable The Planning Board voted R Not Applicable <br />designated parking spaces unanimously to make a finding <br />for school buses indicating that this item is not <br /> applicable based on the <br /> applicant's testimony that <br /> there will be no school busses <br /> proposed for use by the <br /> school. <br />4. Number of designated x Yes No The Planning Board voted x Yes No <br />parking spaces for unanimously to make an <br />employees affirmative finding based on <br /> the following: <br /> The site plan shows that there <br /> will be a total of thirty-seven <br /> (3'n parking spaces on site <br /> with twelve (12) spaces <br /> reserved for the employees. <br />5. Number of visitor parking x Yes No The site plan indicates that the x Yes No <br />spaces remaining parking spaces, <br /> specifically twenty-five (25) <br /> spaces, are available for use <br /> by visitors to the site. <br />