Orange County NC Website
2 <br />Further, staff is exploring options for providing phone service to the Central Orange Senior <br />Center that may not require the expenditure of new funds. For example, the County may be <br />able to reuse a portion of the existing phone system from Emergency Services (the New Hope <br />Road location) and forgo the need to purchase a new system for the Senior Center. The <br />signature increase authorization is requested in the event an alternative cannot be identified <br />and additional phone service must be installed when the new Center opens. The current <br />Center is served by only three extensions fed from the main County switch in downtown <br />Hillsborough. Limited phone service and features would limit the effectiveness of the new <br />Center's operations. <br />Phone systems for both Solid Waste Operations Center and the Animal Services Facility will be <br />unaffected by the County's new phone system since all Chapel Hill operations are fed through a <br />Bell South Centrex system. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: A summary of the expected expenditures and the respective funding <br />sources is listed below. Current capital project appropriations are sufficient to accommodate <br />furniture and telephone systems for each of the Animal Services Facility, Central Orange Senior <br />Center and Justice Facility Projects. The FY 2008-2009 Solid Waste approved budget included <br />sufficient funding for the purchase of furniture and a telephone system. <br />Facili Furniture Tele hone Fundin Source <br />Animal Services Facility $ 50,000 $30,000 Capital Project <br /> Account <br />Central Orange Senior <br />Center $ 50,000 $25,000 Capital Project <br /> Account <br />Justice Facilities Expansion $100,000 n/a Capital Project <br /> Account <br />Solid Waste Operations <br />Center $ 50,000 $40,000 Solid Waste <br /> O eratin Bud et <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board authorize the Purchasing <br />Director to effect the purchase of furniture and telephone equipment as may be needed for the <br />Animal Services Facility, Central Orange Senior Center, Justice Facilities Expansion and the <br />Solid Waste Operations Center through State Contract and/or GSA vendors; and authorize the <br />Purchasing Director to execute the needed paperwork. <br />