Orange County NC Website
MR <br />The BOCC will not be In session again prior to the Public Utilities Commission hearings or the <br />currently scheduled deadline (August 4, 2008) for filing an intervention in the NRC permitting <br />process. The SOCC will have to determine at this time whether it wishes to forego any action <br />on the Harris expansion or to submit resolutions opposing the construction of new reactors at <br />the Shearon Harris plant to both the Utilities Commission and/or to authorize the staff to begin <br />the process of securing legal and technical assistance Wthe filling of a formal intervention. <br />Orange County's previous intervention effort and subsequent appeal to the US Court of <br />Appeals in Washington, DC, resulted In out -of- xxW expenditures of approximately $300.000 <br />along with grants and donations from other local governments and NC WARN. <br />Two Resolutions — one for the NC Public Utilities Commission and one for the NRC are <br />attached for the Board's considerationtreview, revision and approval. <br />If I may provide additional information or clarification of this information, please advise. <br />