Orange County NC Website
Pwo�/ a <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />FROM: <br />Laura Blackmon, County Manager. &B <br />E <br />DAT: <br />June 24, 2008 fy <br />SUWECT: Shearon Harris Expansion Application <br />In. February 2008, Progress Energy, the Raleigh based utility that provides electrical service to <br />much of North Carolina, filed an application with the NRC for a license to construct two <br />addition reactors with associated additional waste fuel pool storage at its Shearon Hands <br />nuclear power plant. While publicly maintaining that it Is unsure that the reactors will ever be <br />needed or built, the NRC currently plans to move ahead with the permitting process, giving <br />opponents of the Hams proposal until August 4, 2008, to evaluate the proposal and to file an <br />Intervention. <br />Progress Energy and Duke Power, another North Carolina based utility are also in a te=aring <br />process with the NC Utilities Commission that will allow the uitiliies to present their respective <br />long term forecasts as to power demand. The hearings, which will occur at the end of June <br />2008, serve to allow the utilities to request that the Utilities Commission approve the <br />Integration of costs related to planning new construction into their respective rate structures. <br />The hearings serve as a precursor for Progress Energy and the NC Utilities Commission to <br />apply for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (a de facto approval to construct new <br />power generation facilities). <br />There is at .least one serious problem with the August 4, 2008 deadline. given for NRCs <br />hearing, intervention and- permitting process. Progress Energy is basing ft s' proposed design <br />for the two new reactors around the Westinghouse Model AP4100 reactor system. However, <br />the design for this system has yet to be completely developed or reviewed and approved by <br />the NRC. The designheviewl approval process for the Westinghouse Model AP4100 will not <br />be completed before 2011. The design, which is apparently In Its 156 or I e iteration,' has at <br />least some iterations in Which the spent fuel rods In the storage pools will have an wily <br />dense , storage configuration (and a corresponding greater potential for spontaneous <br />combustion of the spent fuel in the event of a low water condition In the pools). <br />The North Carolina Waste Awareness and Reduction Network (NCWARN), has recently flied a <br />motion with the NRC to delay the permit application process until the design of the <br />Westinghouse Model AP4100 reactor has been completed, reviewed and approved. Those <br />who wish to formally Intervene in the permitting- process will be extremely limited in their ability <br />to evaluate and present technical information (contentions) based on that design. <br />