Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 2 <br />I have consulted with Dr. Thompson, who is interested in assisting Orange County on that issue <br />by preparing an expert report and assisting me with the preparation of a contention regarding the <br />issue. Unfortunately, he is not available during the month of July. Therefore, we would be <br />unable to meet the NBC's August 4 deadline for the submission of a contention. A sixty -day <br />extension would give Dr. Thompson and me time to prepare a proposal to you for litigation of the <br />spent fuel storage issue in the hearing. If the extension is granted, we would submit the proposal <br />to you in time for your August 19 regularly scheduled meeting. If you approve our proposal, we <br />would prepare a contention and expert report in time for an October 3 filing deadline. <br />I am attaching a proposed retainer agreement for your consideration. If it is acceptable, please <br />counter -sign it and return it to me with a retainer of $1,500. <br />As we discussed, we should file the motion as soon as possible. Therefore I would appreciate it <br />if you could get back to me by noon tomorrow (Tuesday). <br />Please call me if you have any questions about this e-mail message or the attached retainer letter <br />at 202 - 328 -3500. <br />Sincerely, <br />Diane Curran <br />"He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough." <br />Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching <br />7/22/2008 <br />