Orange County NC Website
Fire Districfs -continued <br />• The department's five-year plan includes request ISO re-evaluation with the target of <br />reducing from an 8' (if achieved in FY 2008-09) to a 7, station consolidation -reducing from <br />2 stations to 1 new station, develop new strategies to recruit and retain firefighters within the <br />County, and purchase a new 1800 gallon elliptical tanker for in-district and mutual aid. <br />Orange Grove Fire District $259,666 <br />• The tax rate for this district is recommended to increase by .30 cents (from 3.90 to 4.20 <br />cents) for FY 2008-09 to meet increased operating expenses for fuel and utilities and to <br />implement a pay per call program to help members cover the rising cost of fuel. <br />• In FY 2007-08, the department purchased a thermal imaging camera to help find hot spots <br />and to facilitate rescue in fire responses, added 5 additional water points, and received <br />grant funds from the Assistance to Fire Fighters program to purchase an exhaust removal <br />system for the truck bays, 17 new self contained breathing apparatus, and purchased 800 <br />MHz mobile radios for their trucks. This, coupled with their purchase of handheld radios, <br />allows the department to be ready for the County's conversion to the new radio system. <br />• In FY 2008-09, the department will continue to recruit volunteers and will implement a pay <br />per call program as an incentive in recruitment, and apply for two (2) Assistance to Fire <br />Fighters grants for the purchase of personal protective gear for all members, as well as <br />replacement of a twenty-five year old tanker. <br />• The department's five-year plan is to continue switching to the 800 MHz radio system, <br />cantinue to seek and develop water points throughout the district, and whenever possible, <br />link them. with neighboring departments to .improve .water availability, begin writing <br />specifications for a replacement tanker, which they are planning to tentatively purchase in <br />FY 2009-10 (if grant funds are unsuccessful), and continue to monitor call volume and <br />trends to determine when to add additional career staff. <br />Orange Rural Fire District $641,640 <br />• The tax rate for this district is recommended to increase by .70 cents (from 5..60 to 6.30 <br />cents) for FY 2008-09, as well as an appropriation of $18,071 from their available fund <br />balance, to cover increased fuel and utilities costs, increased maintenance cost due. to <br />aging buildings and apparatus, and costs associated with staffing two stations 24 hours, <br />seven days per week in order to reduce response time and improve coverage. <br />• In FY 2007-08, the department replaced a 1983 rescue truck, staffed station #2 with two (2) <br />firefighters for better coverage in the northern section of the .district, added three (3) new <br />.firefighter positions, completed application with the County for rescue charter in the district, <br />applied for FEMA grant to replace outdated turn out gear, paid off debt on 2005 tanker, <br />reduced response times in northern district, continued to have officers level 1 certified, and <br />implemented automatic three department mutual aid on structure fires. <br />• In FY 2008-09, the department plans to purchase aerial truck with the Town of Hillsborough, <br />replace aten-year old vehicle, train all officers to Rescue Technician level, implement a <br />comprehensive risk management plan, place mobile computers on fire engines for pre-plan <br />inforLna_t~on, replace exist~g dr~~i_ydrant connections, lower response times to five minutes <br />6-4 <br />