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Fire Districts -continued <br />at both stations with more energy efficient units, and replace their 1979 tanker, due to <br />plumbing and tank rusting out. <br />Chapel Hill Fire District $996 <br />• Protection for the six homes located in this district is provided by the Town of Chapel Hill <br />Fire Department. <br />® The tax rate is recommended to increase by 3.0 cents (from 1.9 to 4.9 cents) for FY 2008- <br />09. The current tax rate is much lower than surrounding fire districts and with this increase <br />it will create a fair and more balanced fire district tax rate. <br />Damascus Fire District <br />Southern Triangle Fire District <br />$45,976 <br />.$'167,726 <br />North Chatham Volunteer Fire Department contracts with Orange County to provide <br />services to the citizens. in the Damascus and Southern Triangle districts of Orange County. <br />The department requested that its current contract of $185,000 increase to $213,702 for <br />fiscal year 2008-09. <br />The increase in the contract is needed to help cover the cost of installing laptop computers <br />in 8 vehicles to provide onboard mapping, the addition of paid staff to continue staffing <br />stations to meet minimum requirements, and continuing to expand .their training program to <br />provide the best level of services possible to the. districts. .During FY 2006-07, the <br />department completed the requirements for the rated district to be extended to six miles in <br />both Orange and Chatham counties, and this has resulted, in an average of 25% savings on <br />homeowners' insurance premiums. <br />During a FY 2006-07 budget work session, athree-year plan was presented to the Board of ; <br />County Commissioners to raise the tax rate to equal Chatham County's current rate of 6.0 <br />cents. FY 2008-09 is the third year of that three-year plan, and the tax rate for these <br />districts is recommended to increase by 1.0 cent, from 5.0 cents to 6.0 cents for FY 2008- <br />09. The contract cost of $213,702 represents approximately 8% of the total North Chatham <br />Fire Department's annual budget of $2.5 million. <br />Efland Fire District $295,496 <br />® The tax rate for this district is recommended to increase by 1.0 cents (from 4.225 to 5.225 <br />cents) for FY 2008-09. <br />In FY 2007-08, the department placed in service a new tanker and completed the substation <br />on Highway 70 and will be occupied by the end of the fiscal year. Currently, there are 13 <br />firefighters who are working. on completing their firefighter level 1 and 2 training, 16 <br />firefighters who are certified in emergency rescue services, and. 22 who are certified first <br />responders. The department also has three high school youth participating in their Junior <br />Firefighter Program. The district received grant funds to purchase 800 MHz radio <br />equipment, which saved the taxpayers in this district approximately $100,000. The first <br />responder program has more than doubled. their call volume, with approximately 250 to 280 <br />__ alts-experienced-ttris-year. - <br />6-2 <br />