Minutes - 20080612
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080612
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Last modified
3/17/2016 10:07:24 AM
Creation date
9/11/2008 4:43:00 PM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda - 06-12-2008
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Laura Blackmon made reference to Emergency Services and the Sheriff's Department <br /> and said that historically there is overtime. <br /> Emergency Services Director Frank Montes de Oca said that there are three units that <br /> he staffs full-time, 24 hours a day, and there is a fourth one that is staffed from 9-9. There are <br /> also five units that are initial or immediate response vehicles that are staffed 24 hours a day. <br /> He is looking at some different staffing matrices to see if there can be some cuts. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the Sheriff's Department is very similar in trying to have <br /> enough coverage. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he has a hard time with why some of these other <br /> departments would have to have overtime as opposed to somebody taking comp time. For <br /> example, Human Rights and Relations could take comp time if they have to work weekends <br /> instead of overtime. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that for the most part, departments are trying to do as much comp <br /> time as possible. With a small department that is trying to handle the public coming in, they are <br /> not able to do as much comp time to cover everything. <br /> Human Rights and Relations Director Shoshannah Smith said that her department uses <br /> comp time entirely for bi-lingual employees. She only has two and one is exempt. The non- <br /> exempt employee works nights and weekends and she is also needed during the 40-hour work <br /> week. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that there is still money in the budget for vacant positions. He said <br /> that the County is setting aside money in the budget for positions that it has not filled, but it is <br /> also paying overtime and temporary time. It seems like this could all be streamlined, and if <br /> there are positions that are not going to be filled anytime soon, and temps are being used for <br /> overtime, there should not be money set aside for the position for the entire fiscal year. <br /> Frank Montes de Oca said that some of the positions were frozen last year because of <br /> financial issues. <br /> Chair Jacobs gave an example of telecommunicators, which are chronically not filled. <br /> The department is using temporary and overtime, but there are two vacant positions at$45,000 <br /> and $49,000. It seems that this should roll into temporary and overtime. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the policy does not allow using line items for other <br /> expenditures. The County budgets salaries at 96% so that the excess is absorbed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to OPT, which has one full-time and one half- <br /> time position for drivers. OPT has been using retirees to drive, so it is more flexible and benefits <br /> are not needed. OPT had 1.5 FTE vacancies and recommended that it be eliminated and <br /> reinstated for a flexible temporary pool. Now that the ridership is increasing, this arrangement <br /> might affect service in an adverse way. She wants to consider this. <br /> Donna Coffey said that there is funding for the 1.5 positions, and what got reduced was <br /> the temporary money. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked what should be done about this— let OPT hire the 1.5 <br /> positions, or allow them to fill it with temporary staff. <br /> Laura Blackmon suggested deleting the positions and increasing temporary to allow <br /> more flexibility. The Sheriff has done this before and this could also be done for OPT—delete <br /> the 1.5 positions and move the money to temporary. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks this is what OPT wants. There is no <br /> budgetary impact. <br /> Commissioner Carey suggested flagging those two categories so that the Board knows <br /> that it did that for a specific reason. <br /> Commissioner Carey made reference to two positions at the top of the Vacant Positions <br /> list that have been vacant since 2006. He asked if those funds were in the budget. Donna <br /> Coffey said that these are the 1.5 positions for OPT. <br />
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