Minutes - 20080605
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080605
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/11/2008 4:49:01 PM
Creation date
9/11/2008 4:41:21 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 06-03-2008-6b
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Wilbert McAdoo said that there is a plan for vehicle replacement and maintenance, but <br />there is not a comprehensive plan. Chair Jacobs said to work on one over the next fiscal year. <br />Sheriff: <br />Commissioner Foushee made reference to the $100,000 grant and asked if it had <br />already been accepted or if there was a matching contribution. Sheriff Pendergrass said that <br />both grants have been awarded. Commissioner Foushee said that if the County has already <br />accepted the grant, then it has already approved the matching contribution. <br />Sheriff Pendergrass made reference to temporary personnel and said that he has last <br />minute needs for retired police officers or deputies for the court, and he gets these from the <br />temporary pool. He said that he needs his temporary personnel. <br />Social Services: <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to page 3-170 and asked about the status of all of the child <br />care subsidy funds. He asked Social Services Director Nancy Coston to bring in this <br />information. <br />Nancy Coston said that last year the General Assembly gave the County some additional <br />one-time money to clear the waiting list and she is waiting to find out what happens this year. <br />Chair Jacobs said that if the $25,000 were taken out, then there would still be money in <br />the Social Services Safety Net in case it were needed. <br />Commissioner Nelson left at 10:02 pm. <br />Solid Waste: <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to page 3-179 and the $195,000 to remediate the soil for <br />the new Solid Waste Operations Center. He asked what this was for. Solid Waste Director <br />Gayle Wilson said that this involves correcting improper soils and raising the elevation of the <br />building and parking lot by eighteen inches. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what was wrong with the soil. Gayle Wilson said that it <br />does not have the proper compaction properties, it holds moisture too much, and for 80% of the <br />site, the-soils were not usable. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to page 3-189, the second bullet of the budget highlights <br />where it says that the elimination of the lunchtime closure "increases" the hours. It should say <br />"decrease". <br />Tax Assessor: <br />Chair Jacobs asked about page 3-190 and how much it costs for printing 58,000 tax bills. <br />Tax Assessor John Smith said $20,000, plus the postage of $15,000. <br />Orange County Visitor's Bureau: <br />Chair Jacobs asked Brad Broadwell to bring in a trend line for Orange County for <br />revenues generated by visitors in the last five years. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Board needs to address fire districts at the next <br />meeting. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that it would be helpful, where departments have applied <br />for grants and the Board of Commissioners has approved them, that there be an understanding <br />that there may be a match for subsequent years. Regarding contracts for subsequent years, <br />the Board approved those contracts, many of which have budget implications. She said that the <br />Board needs to know if there are projected increases with these contracts and if the contracts <br />can be renegotiated. <br />
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