Minutes - 20080605
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080605
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/11/2008 4:49:01 PM
Creation date
9/11/2008 4:41:21 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Chair Jacobs said that maybe some of the capital projects should be spread out more. <br />He is just saying that the County is going to have to look at larger ticket items and projects and <br />see how they can be shifted around. Just cutting new positions will not make much of a <br />difference. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that there have been a number of requests from community <br />groups that are not in the budget. His inclination is just to say that this is not a year that the <br />County can fund additional requests and not make any exceptions. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she shared some of that sentiment as she was looking <br />at outside agency requests and that many have requested increases. She said that if the <br />County has to cut, then everyone should take cuts. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed with not increasing outside agency funding. <br />2. FY 2008-09 Recommended Operational Costs Associated with Opening New <br />County Facilities <br />This information was in Appendix F-8. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if this was for a full year and Donna Coffey said that some <br />are for a full year and some are starting from when the facility opens up. She said that she put <br />this all on one spreadsheet since some are spread out over several departments. <br />Chair Jacobs said that it is confusing because there is no way to differentiate when a <br />facility will open or is funded for less than a year. Donna Coffey said that she could update this <br />sheet to indicate the opening date. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to know how much of a year will be <br />funded and the opening date of each new facility. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that the County Commissioners have had discussions about <br />old facilities and the possibility of divesting of them. He said that this might be a good year to do <br />that. He asked about the Court Annex on Churton Street and the possibilities of letting go of <br />that building. Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that when the justice <br />facility opens, then the building will be vacant. The proposed date for the justice facility is the <br />end of 2009. <br />Chair Jacobs said that when Emergency Services moves, the 911 center will be <br />available but the County Commissioners have not had that discussion yet. Phis topic should be <br />on a work session. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that if there is anything that can be sold, then it should be <br />dealt with sooner rather than later. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what is left to be done on the capital budget on June 24th <br />Donna Coffey said that the Board of County Commissioners approved the County and <br />School Capital Project Ordinances for 2008-09. She said that she would have to work with each <br />department to see if any funds have been encumbered so far for the next fiscal year. She <br />distributed a spreadsheet that identifies pay-as-you-go money that was included in the FY 2008- <br />09 budget. This information was approved by the Board on May 1St <br />3. Departmental Budgets by Exception <br />Aging: <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about OPT and status of that budget ar~d if the budget <br />covers the necessary funds to operate public transportation. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he still wants to know when the County will separate Aging and <br />OPT. <br />Chair Jacobs asked what happened to the rent money that was saved from not having to <br />rent the Central Orange Senior Center. Donna Coffey said that it is under community-based <br />services. <br />
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