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Commissioner Gordon said that it is great that the Manager is mentioning this in the job <br /> description, but to be clearer with the wording and Donna Coffey said that she will fix this. <br /> Category 2— Change in Funding Status: Additional General Fund Support <br /> Requested (No Change in FTE): <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the Health Department has a Senior Public Health Educator, <br /> which is the Volunteer Coordinator that coordinates the Medical Reserve Corps and the <br /> Community Emergency Response Team programs. The federal grant ended on September 30, <br /> 2006 and last year the Board decided to fund it for another year. Last year there were some <br /> EMS grant funds and National Association of City and County Health Officials funds. This year, <br /> the County support would have to increase. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that it is more beneficial to the Board if it is clear that the <br /> County will be funding this position in full, if moving forward. Laura Blackmon said that she is <br /> expecting some offsetting revenue (EMS Services grant of$10,000), but all of the other grants <br /> that used to support this are gone. Commissioner Carey said that the Board made this same <br /> observation last year when this was discussed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that there really should be an FTE change because the <br /> County will be providing this service now, and the county is still taking on full funding. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the second position is the Housing/Community Development <br /> Director position, Tara Fikes' position, and this position was initially funded with Housing funds, <br /> however, there is a requirement that the percentage of tasks performed by that position <br /> coordinate with the amount of funding that comes from Housing funds. Over the years, there <br /> has been a change in the way this position has been functioning. The staff is looking to fund <br /> more of this position from the General Fund since Tara Fikes spends most of her time on duties <br /> related to the County's involvement in affordable housing programs. The proposal is for this <br /> program to be funded 70% from the General Fund and 30% from grant funding. <br /> Tara Fikes said that the administrative fees that can be earned under the Section 8 <br /> program have remained stagnant for about five or six years. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked, if there is a Democratic President with a Democratic Congress that <br /> is more sympathetic to public housing, if it would be easier to reconfigure this position back to <br /> support Section 8 or other public housing efforts. Laura Blackmon said that the duties and the <br /> programs under the Housing Department have expanded, so even if more funds were available, <br /> she is not sure that the County could use Section 8 funding to support a position that is more <br /> dedicated to other duties. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked Tara Fikes if there are other positions in her department <br /> supported by cost-sharing with the Federal Government and Tara Fikes said all but two. <br /> Commissioner Foushee asked if there was a way to draw more funding since some of <br /> these duties are now delegated to other staff. Tara Fikes said that the County is drawing down <br /> the maximum administrative funds that it could from the Housing funds. <br /> Category 3—Additional General Fund Support and Increase in FTE: <br /> Laura Blackmon said that these positions have been working at a partial rate and now <br /> she wants to increase them to full-time (FTE-full time employee). The Health position is not <br /> moving to a full 40 hours, but the other two are. <br /> Commissioner Carey suggested increasing the Dental Hygienist position to full-time and <br /> decrease the waiting time. Health Director Rosemary Summers said that the employee now in <br /> this position only wants to work at 32 hours. She said that this is an incremental change. The <br /> other limitation to decreasing waiting time is the facility capacity. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that it might be useful to have an additional category of positions that <br /> are partially or fully generating revenue that offsets the cost of the position, because when the <br />