Orange County NC Website
including a projected increase of $675 a year ($337.50 for FY 2008-09) for the added services. <br />The recommended changes are within the amount allocated in the FY 08-09 budget. <br />Health: Within the FY 08-09 approved budget. With the Commissioners' input, the Manager <br />will be able to determine the fiscal impact of the recommended option for the FY 08-09 Budget. <br />Options <br />Renewal with No Changes <br />Option I Buy Up Plan <br />Option 2 One Plan <br />County Cost (Calendar Year) <br />$6,877,746 <br />$6,604,372 <br />$6,776,097 <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): <br />The Manager recommends that the Board of Commissioners receive an update on the status of <br />The Archer Company pay study and current and future employee benefits and provide <br />feedback on potential benefit recommendations for the January 1, 2009 plan year. A final <br />recommendation will be presented to the Commissioners on October 7. <br />