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~~ <br />Orange County Section Eipht Housing Voucher Choice Program <br />Status Report <br />Background <br />The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federally funded rental assistance <br />program administered by public housing authorities (PHAs} or other government agencies. The <br />programs' primary purpose is to provide rental assistance to low-income families with affordable <br />decent, safe, and sani#ary housing. Tenants take the voucher and use it to rent homes in the <br />private market.. Families interested in the program apply to a local housing authority or other <br />govemment agency for a Section 8 tenant-based voucher- a voucher that "stays" with the <br />tenant. <br />Currently, Section 8 helps more than 1.4 million households in the United States by paying <br />private landlords the difference between what the household can afford and the rent for the unit. <br />In Orange Coun#y, the program is administered by the Orange County Housing and Community <br />Development Department and serves approximately 615 families countywide. <br />The administering housing authority or govemment agency is also responsible for inspecting the <br />selected housing unit to make sure it complies with the Housing and Urban Development's <br />(HUD) Housing Quality Standards and ensuring that the rent charged is reasonable for the local <br />housing market. <br />The following information provides summary information regarding the current status of the <br />Section 8 Program in Orange County. <br />Funding Capacity <br />The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides funding for the Section 8 <br />Program. The approved Section 8 budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $4,164,334. Given <br />HUD's funding scheme, this amount allows us to fund approximately 615 vouchers annually. <br />Increasing rental rates and the bedroom composition of our participants our actual casts are <br />being monitored closely to ensure that actual program expenses do not exceed budget <br />authority. Thus, the total number of units financed by the program may be reduced in the <br />coming months. <br />Current Program Characteristics <br />~ Approximately 254 property owners lease property to 615 on average. <br />~ Of the 623 units, 599 are designated as tenant based vouchers and 24 vouchers <br />are designated as project based vouchers for the Club Nova Apartments only. <br />~ The majority of the rental units are in the Carrboro/Chapel Hi11 area (Southern <br />Orange County). <br />~ Racial family composition: approx. 64%African-American; 34% Caucasian; 1 <br />Other. <br />~ Of participating families, 54% have an elderly or disabled head of household <br />while the remaining 46% represent families with many working head of <br />households. <br />~ Mast families lease two-bedroom units. <br />