Orange County NC Website
Proposal for Manufactured Housing Needs Assessment and <br />Response for Orange County <br />The Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina proposes to develop a <br />Manufactured Housing Needs Assessment and Response for Orange County to: <br />• inform officials on challenges and opportunities of manufactured housing as an <br />affordable housing and community development issue <br />• evaluate local conditions of manufactured housing communities <br />• develop strategies to loss and preservation of manufactured housing. <br />The Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina will conduct a survey and <br />analysis of the condition and .location of Orange County's Manufactured Housing <br />Communities (MHC) utilizing the County's inventory of manufactured housing <br />communities. The survey will include GIS mapping of MHC in relation to surrounding <br />commercial, residential and environmental considerations. The survey will provide a <br />photo and where available descriptive data including housing affordability of lot rents. <br />The survey will categorize the quality and condition of MHC based on infrastructure. <br />Based on this survey, the analysis will look at the contribution of MHC to affordable <br />housing and provide an assessment of future scenarios for housing loss or preservation <br />based on development trends and MHC conditions. <br />We anticipate that the categories of MHC will be <br />• stable and well maintained with likely continued use <br />• probable land use change due to commercial and residential development <br />• need for intervention due to poor infrastructure and housing conditions <br />Based on these categories, the Response section will provide recommendations for <br />Orange County as it <br />• addresses dislocation of residents from MHC that are closed <br />• considers preservation and development strategies of MHC for affordable housing <br />and community redevelopment. <br />The report will link the Needs Assessment with the Response section to categorize MHC <br />that have high value opportunity for Orange County to consider for preservation or <br />intervention actions. The Response section will list tools and resources available to the <br />County to fulfill these objectives including zoning, health code, acquisition and <br />redevelopment among others. <br />The Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina is recognized nationally for <br />its expertise in manufactured housing as the producer of the book This is My Home, <br />O~»ortunities and Challenges of Manufactured Housing. Peter Skillern and Adam Rust <br />who will undertake the project both have Masters in City and Regional Planning from <br />UNC Chapel Hill and extensive experience in the housing and community development <br />field. Mr. Rust has a Masters in Journalism which he utilizes in the photography and <br />documentation of manufactured housing communities. <br />