Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave <br />Stanch was working on something regarding Haw River. <br />Dave Stanal said that Orange County is a member of the Haw River Trail Partnership. <br />Haw River is the southwestern comer of Orange County. <br />Laura Blackmon asked Dave Stanch to speak to the purchase of property as a <br />watershed site in this area. Dave Stanch said that this relates to the Jordan Lake Macro Site. <br />This includes part of Chapel Hill, Orange County, and Chatham County. There are <br />opportunities for collaboration on conservation. <br />.George Lucier said that his Board of County Commissioners would be very supportive of <br />this. <br />Mayor Foy asked Dave Stanch who he shared information with in Chapel Hill about this <br />and Dave Stanch said staff and the Mayor. It has been awhile. <br />Laura Blackmon asked Dave Stanch to forward this information to the Managers again <br />and Chair Carey asked the Managers to revive the issue on this corridor. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked Planning Director Craig Benedict about the density of the <br />part of Orange County in the Haw River watershed and Craig Benedict said that the density is <br />one unit per acre. He pointed this out on a map. <br />George Lucier asked about the buffer along the river and Craig Benedict said 60-80 feet <br />on either side of the stream and 80 feet along the floodplain. <br />George Lucier said that Chatham County is having a public hearing next week on <br />updating the stream buffer n~quirements, especially those that will flow into Jordan Lake. When <br />this process is completed in the next couple of months, the information will be transmitted to <br />Orange County. <br />3. Transportation Plannin~/Public Transportation <br />• OPT/CTN/Chapel Hill Transit Coordination <br />Chair Carey said there has been some talk about public transportation collaboration <br />between Pittsboro, Chapel Hill, Chatham County, and UNC. <br />Dan Coleman said that at some point TTA should be in this mix and Commissioner <br />Jacobs said that he has talked with David King of TTA and he wants to come to the next <br />meeting. Commissioner Jacobs said that one of things also is that Chatham County and others <br />need to be brought into the discussions about how Carolina North is going to be served by <br />public transportation. <br />George Lucier said that this should be pursued sooner rather than later. He said that at <br />the last MPO meeting, it was reported that the eastern part of Chatham County will grow by <br />83,000 people by 2035 and it will only get 15,000 jobs. He said that, if these projections are <br />correct, most everyone living in Chatham County will be going north into Chapel Hill to work. <br />The projections may turn out not to be correct because the current Board of County <br />Commissioners was elected on a slow growth platform. However, there are currently 16,000 <br />houses that have been approved but not yet built. He thinks that it has to be assumed that <br />something like this will happen. <br />Mayor Foy said that the Chapel Hill Town Council started talking about this with the <br />Chatham County Commissioners five years ago, and since then, UNC has built one park and <br />ride lot on 501. He said that it is important that a transportation system start and TTA has to be <br />part of this. He said that Chapel Hill Transit needs to decide if it wants to get involved outside <br />its service boundary. <br />Charlie Home said that it is one thing to provide a service, but another to get people to <br />utilize public transportation. <br />0 <br />