Orange County NC Website
6 <br />33 <br />1 Mayor Foy said that there should be acknowledgement and everything should be written <br />2 down so that OWASA has a clear understanding of each entity's intentions. <br />3 Mark Chilton said that if you read through all of the resolution there is only a passing <br />4 mention of land usage and conservation. He said that he does not see the local government <br />s entities passing a resolution that speaks to the question of water supply without addressing <br />6 conservation and efficiency as a simple part of the water supply plan: <br />7 Chair Jacobs listed the elements that he has heard: whatever direction that is given to <br />8 OWASA be written; address the issue of emergency access to Jordan Lake; <br />9 compilatioNdiscussion of current conservation efforts; and Chatham County would like some <br />1o kind of answer this summer in order to move forward. He said that, in listening to the last part of <br />11 the conversation, it might be useful for the boards in Orange County to draft an alternative <br />12 resolution that addresses the same partnership, but in terms that make people feel more <br />13 comfortable about a partnership. <br />14 Ted Voofiees, Deputy City Manager of Dufiam, said that he was the author of the <br />15 resolution. He said that it was Dufiam's intention to call out the fact that responsible land use <br />16 planning will be an integral part. He apologized for not saying this well. He thinks that the City <br />17 Council fully understood the relationship between land use planning and water demand. He <br />18 said that Dufiam has been doing water conservation for a long time. <br />19 Clarifying questions of various board members were answered by Ted Voofiees. <br />20 <br />21 3~ Buckhorn Villas~e <br />22 Craig Benedict said that Buckhom Village is a planned development zoning proposal that <br />23 was submitted to Orange County fora 130-acre parcel located on I-85/I-40. He showed this <br />24 area on a map. It is located within a land use designation of an Economic Development District. <br />25 There is a public information process tomorrow night. <br />26 Dan Coleman asked when action would be taken and Chair Jacobs said not tomorrow <br />27 night. There is no deadline yet because neither the County Commissioners nor the Planning <br />28 Board has had a chance to ask questions or make comments. <br />29 Dan Coleman asked if transportation improvements had been ident~ed yet and if the <br />3o developer would pay for those and Chair Jacobs said that this has not been discussed yet. <br />31 <br />32 Chair Jacobs said that on April 29"' the JPA public hearing is scheduled, and there is <br />33 almost always no item for this, and he would like to talk about the Greene Tract within the AOG. <br />34 He suggested scheduling an AOG meeting on this date. All must bring forward some funding to <br />35 the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund if they are going to access this property. <br />36 Commissioner Carey suggested that staff make a list of issues that need to be discussed <br />37 at this next meeting so that there is a clear focus of discussion. <br />38 Commissioner Gordon suggested that each jurisdiction may want to discuss the Greene <br />39 Tract ahead of time. <br />4o The next meeting will be hosted by the Town of Hillsborough. <br />41 <br />42 ,4~ Greene Tract Uodate <br />43 <br />44 DEFERRED <br />45 <br />46 ~ Update on the 2035 Lons~ Ranee Transuortation Plan (LRTP1 <br />47 <br />4s DEFERRED <br />49 <br />so ,61 Written Uudates (No Staff Presentations) <br />sl <br />