Agenda - 09-02-2008 - 6e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-02-2008
Agenda - 09-02-2008 - 6e
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Last modified
9/11/2008 10:27:45 AM
Creation date
9/11/2008 10:27:41 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20080902
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s <br />i Chair Jacobs said that there was discussion at the school collaboration meeting that both <br />2 school districts are looking at zeroscaping and reexamining the policy on watering lawns at <br />3 SCt1001S. <br />4 Bill Strom said that he wants to hear from Mark Marcoplos. He said that OWASA's plans <br />s are in response to Chapel Hill's land use plans. He said that if they want to take these steps to <br />6 close that period of time where they are vulnerable to having a water shortage, etc., then they <br />7 need to look at their land use plans, growth patterns, and ordinances and see how to adjust <br />s them in a sustainable way. <br />9 Joal Hall Broun suggested that if boards want to participate, then each should go bads and <br />1o discuss this issue as to what they would or would not agree to and then determine whether or <br />11 not they would like to come bads and discuss it as a group. She does not have an opposition <br />12 for staff to continue to talk about this, but she does not think that the issue of the positions of all <br />13 five jurisdictions will be solved in this discussion. <br />14 Chair Jacobs said that there seems to be general agreement that no one is proposing <br />is changing any policies within Orange County governments in relation to how supply is used. <br />16 What has been raised is looking at use. He made reference to Resolution 9532 in the packet <br />17 that deposits the idea that there continue to be work on some kind of intake on the west side, <br />is and whether or not OWASA is a party to the discussion. <br />19 George Lucier said that the water conservation issue is essential, but in Chatham County <br />20 there is an immediate issue of water use. Chatham County has to put out $15 million to <br />21 upgrade the plant to use the current allocation out of Jordan Lake and then up to another $15 <br />22 million to upgrade the distribution lines so that it can deliver the water. This will increase <br />23 Chatham's water supply by about 2 % fold. This decision has to be made this summer and <br />24 cannot be made any later than this. <br />2s Mayor Bell said that he understands Mark Chilton's Concerns. He said that Durham has <br />26 no interest in using Jordan Lake except on an extreme emergency .basis. He said that each <br />27 entity needs to start planning, and the proposed resolution addresses this. He said that he <br />28 would hope that the boards would agree to allow the discussions to continue. <br />29 Randy Kabrick, Chair of OWASA Board, said that the board approved unanimously to <br />3o cooperate with Chatham and Durham to look at a regional intake from Jordan Lake strictly as <br />31 part of the water planning. There is no intention by the board to take allocations as part of a <br />32 base load. He said that this is a long term process. He encouraged all participants to support <br />33 long-range planning, even if it involves a portion of Jordan Lake for emergency purposes. <br />34 Mark Marcoplos said that he was on the OWASA board from 1999 to 2006 and went <br />3s through the first drought and helped to craft the new conservation measures. He said that, after <br />36 the drought of 2001-2002, he looked around astounded that OWASA was the only utility that <br />37 was treating this as a very serious, highly changing event. As soon as possible after the <br />38 drought, OWASA instituted year-round conservation and no other jurisdiction did this and it also <br />39 began the discussions that led to tiered rates to encourage conservation. He said that the <br />4o entities need to get the conservation and sustainability issues out there. He firmly believes that <br />41 OWASA has the know-how to get through to when the quarry is available in 2030 with <br />42 conservation, efficiency, use of storm water, sealing leaks in the system, etc. He does not think <br />43 that Jordan Lake will be needed from OWASA's standpoint. <br />44 Mark Kleinschmidt said that it is not in the AOG's interest to not participate in these <br />45 discussions. He said that he would like to see them at the table discussing what efforts are <br />46 being made in the neighboring counties and cities for water conservation and efforts. He would <br />47 like to hear more about the water reuse plans and other plans. <br />48 Bill Strom said that all understand that this conversation is going to take awhile to sift <br />49 through and the Chapel Hill Town Council needs the opportunity to put its thoughts in a <br />so resolution. There should be no action tonight. He wants to be able to give OWASA dear <br />sl direction. <br />as <br />
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