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2 <br />1 Chair Jacobs said that the topic of Orange/Chatham regional planning was raised at the <br />2 last AOG meeting and what was discussed at the joint meetings, and it was promised that a <br />3 more full report would be brought back at the next AOG meeting. Staff will make initial <br />4 presentations and then the elected officials present at the joint meetings could speak on these <br />5 items, if they wish. <br />6 Planning Director Craig Benedict said that, based on some previous meetings, staffs <br />7 were asked to meet and discuss regional planning with Hillsborough, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, <br />8 UNC, OWASA, Chatham County, and Pittsboro. During the discussions, it was realized that in <br />9 this n:gional perspective inGudes such entities as the City of Dufiam, Dufiam County, and <br />1o Cary. The areas of interest include land use planning, transportation, parks, open space, <br />11 environment, and GIS information and mapping. Some of the areas of joint interest include <br />12 Jordan Lake Watershed, Haw River Watershed, 15-501 Transportation Corridor, development <br />13 of regional impact, and the regional value-added shared-use food and agricultural processing <br />14 center. There was discussion about how best to share this information among staffs, elected <br />15 officials, etc., as new information becomes available. He made reference to Attachment 1-a. <br />16 Chair Jacobs said that the three main topics were regional watershed protection issues, <br />17 transportation planning and public transportation issues, and joint planning. He said that part of <br />18 that discussion will include joint use of Jordan Lake water supply. There were also discussions <br />19 about trying to get a compilation of the similarities and differences between the comments made <br />20 on the Jordan Lake rules proposed. <br />21 George Lucier said that the group talked about selecting specific projects rather than <br />22 going too global in terms of the joint planning exercise. These could include the Haw River <br />23 Watershed, Jordan Lake Watershed, 15-501 corridor, and planning for local parks - Southern <br />24 Park would be an example. <br />25 Chair Jacobs said that there was discussion about the interest of working together on <br />26 some of these issues, and Chatham's Board was interested in the same things as Chapel Hill <br />27 and Orange County, and this has not been the case in the past. Some of the discussions <br />28 involved Carolyn Elfland from UNC, and public transportation was a major topic. <br />29 George Lucier said that there are 12,000 houses that have been approved but not yet <br />3o built in Chatham County, and many of them would use the 15-501 corridor. <br />31 Jim Ward asked if there was interest in talking about a possible bypass around Chapel <br />32 Hill coming from the south. He said that 15-501 is already a parking lot at times and there <br />33 needs to be relief, and public transit cannot take all of these trips. <br />34 George Lucier said that there is not enough financial capital, and this would have to get <br />35 on the Transportation Improvement Plan with DOT. He said that DOT is deeply over committed <br />36 and it is starting to delay projects. <br />37 Jim Want said to try and at least get it on the DOTs agenda. <br />38 Commissioner Gordon said that she attended the meeting of the Durham-Chapel Hill- <br />39 Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, and in the next two meetings, the results of the <br />4o transportation study will be available,, which will address some of-this area. She said that it <br />41 would be timely to bring up the issue of a bypass when this study comes out. <br />42 George Lucier said to bring it up at the next meeting of this group and Commissioner <br />43 Gordon said that it would probably be in May. <br />44 Bill Strom asked about an interiocal agreement. Craig Benedict said that in 1989 there <br />45 was a proposed courtesy review agreement and he said with the boards' approvals, they could <br />46 implement something like this and he said they could work towards a joint planning agreement. <br />47 Bill Strom said that there should really be a joint planning agreement discussion on the <br />48 table because there are joint interests. <br />49 George Lucier suggested working towards a Memorandum of Understanding, or several <br />so MOAs. There could be one overarching agreement that would identify specific areas and then <br />s ~ have subheadings. <br />0 <br />