Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Triangle Regional Development Plan process has been watered down due to the fad that the <br />Assistant Director of DOT retired, and the two consultants changed firms. <br />Three weeks ago, he met with Steve Spade and decided to continue this conversation to <br />see how Orange Public Transportation could coordinate its efforts with EZ-Rider since OPT is <br />encroaching into the urban area every day. At this time, the costs of the two services are being <br />compared. There is a lot of difference in the costs because of the overhead. He has not had <br />any discussions with Chatham Transit Network representatives because there have not been <br />any requests from Orange Public Transportation to encroach into Chatham County. <br />Tom Vanderbeck said that Chatham Transit Network is in Orange County on a daily <br />basis. He suggested that there might be some economies of scale and coordination. <br />AI Teny said that one of the first things to look at is the computer software package for <br />the transportation system. The different systems must be compatible if this is going to work. <br />Carl Thompson asked if the entities wanted to work together on the door-to{foor service. <br />Charlie Home said that he and Steve Spade have met and the discussion up to now has <br />been centered on UNC employees. There is some initial groundwork. <br />AI Terry distributed abrochure - TTA 420 -and said that the coordinated efforts <br />between two different transit agencies can be handled through a process. He said that TTA <br />funds Orange County 75% of this route. The route is operated by Orange County because the <br />overhead is so low. <br />Mayor Chilton said that Chapel Hill's EZ-Rider program is so well run and he would hope <br />that this would not result in a decrease in the quality of service provided to the Chapel Hill <br />clients. <br />AI Terry said that there is a big difference in fixed route service and community <br />transportation. Community transportation is very personal, and urban transit systems are not. <br />He said that this effort could do nothing but widen the mobility of the same clients and not <br />reduce the service level. <br />AI Teny said that another issue is that there is a certification process that all transit <br />agencies have to have for DSS clients, elderly clients, or disabled clients. None of the <br />certfication processes are the same for the agenaes. He said that he and Steve Spade are <br />going to formulate a very similar process between Chapel Hill Transit and Orange Public <br />Transportation. <br />Tom Vanderbeck asked if Chatham County was part of the feasibility study that fell apart <br />and AI Teny said no, that it was the elected officials of Durham, Wake, and Orange Counties <br />that made the decision to have the study and DOT is funding the study 100%. He said that <br />DOT is looking to regionalize many transit agencies within the State. There will be some- <br />funding incentives for agencies that have regionalization efforts in transportation. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that one of the possibilities would be to have all three <br />agencies combined to be under TTA. Durham and Wake seem really different from the way <br />Orange County does things. <br />Mayor Chilton said that one of the issues is that Chatham County is not part of TTA's <br />service area. Also, UNC has spark-and-ride lot just in Chatham County. He asked about this <br />service and Carolyn Efland said that they did run their own buses until this year, and now <br />Chapel Hill runs the buses. <br />Roger Stanch said that Chapel Hill Transit is talking with Chatham County about a fixed <br />route service between Chapel Hill and Pittsboro. This is being coordinated with TTA. <br />Chair Carey asked about the next steps. <br />Carl Thompson said that his Chatham board needs to look at the options to become <br />more involved, and task the Transit Director and Manager to make a recommendation to the <br />Chatham County board. The ball is in Chatham County's court. <br />I (v <br />