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5 <br />Mayor Foy said that is the issue Chapel Hill confronted when it went to fare-fn:e. This <br />was the incentive for more people to ride and it doubled ridership in three or four years. He said <br />that society tends to widen roads in response to growth instead of looking at alternatives. <br />Carolyn Efland said that from a UNC perspective, it only has parking for half the <br />employees and about 10°~ of the students, most of which are graduate students. She said that <br />UNC is losing population in the Chapel Hill Transit service area. One of the original plans when <br />the current development plan was put forward to the Town, there were targets for transit use <br />from home and targets for transit from park-and-ride. She said that people are moving out of <br />Orange County and into other counties (Chatham and Alamance). She said that TTA's service <br />area does not include Pittsboro proper or Alamance and that it would be good to cooperate with <br />Chatham County. She said that she is not sure that TTA is the solution to the problem. <br />George Lucier said that he would envision spark-and-ride at Brier Chapel, 64, 501, and <br />downtown Pittsboro. He said that his question is what they can do as these developments are <br />being planned out as part of the application process. <br />Chair Carey said that this is one reason to put joint planning on this agenda. There must <br />be joint planning in this region. <br />Mayor Foy said that when Chapel Hill looks at a development proposal, they ask Chapel <br />Hill Transit how that looks for bus service. He said that other jurisdictions do not have this <br />luxury. He said that the issue that this raises is how to get access to this kind of information. <br />Dan Coleman asked about Chatham County's public transit and George Lucier said that <br />it is more of a public service. Charlie Home said that there are 16-18 passenger vans that take <br />the public for a fee, but primarily it is for Medicaid patients, etc., and it is a scheduled service. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that UNC can help drive this discussion. He said that <br />Hillsborough will more likely be the most immediately impacted by Carolina North. Hillsborough <br />has changed its land use plan to anticipate a lot of residential development in the southernmost <br />corridor. There will be spark-and-ride lot at the community college in southern Hillsborough. <br />He would like to try and get ahead of the curve instead of playing °catch up°. <br />Chair Carey asked if UNC could be the focal point to have the next meeting to talk about <br />transportation within the context of the process on the planning issue with the Planning <br />Directors and Managers. <br />Roger Stanch said that the Chapel Hill Town Council authorized him to work with <br />Chatham County with transit issues. The first thing he did was to talk with TTA and there is a <br />partnership now because TTA cannot currently serve Chatham County with the present <br />contract. The plan is to meet with the Chatham County staff to talk about doing some market <br />studies to understand the need. <br />Mayor Volley asked if everyone agreed that there is a need to do this and all agreed. He <br />said that he has talked with TTA also to find out how to get Pittsboro involved. At the RPO <br />level, Pittsboro sent a resolution back with Pat Strong to Chair Kinley and the board to look at to <br />say that Pittsboro wants public transportation to be part of the planning. He is now waiting for <br />an answer. He would like to get this done, especially with UNC, because most of the people <br />moving into Pittsboro are working at UNC or are going there for medical services. <br />Roger Stanch said that Chapel Hill could work with Chatham County and Commissioner <br />Jacobs asked that OPT be included also. <br />4. Joint Planning <br />Mayor Foy said that he would like to continue discussions on joint planning and flesh this <br />out. <br />Chair Carey suggested asking the Planning Directors and Managers to talk and to bring <br />some possibilities back to the boards to benefit from expertise on joint planning. <br />is <br />