Orange County NC Website
Town <br />f <br />Hills gh <br /> <br />®1994 Town of Hills6wough <br />June 12, 2008 <br />Orange County <br />c/o Pam Jones <br />106 East Margaret Lane <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Ms. Jones: <br /> <br />Please be advised that the Town of Hillsborough Board of Adjustment, at their Wednesday, June 11, 2008 meeting, <br />voted unanimously to continue the hearing on your request for a Conditional Use-2 Permit for the expansion of <br />Fairview Park (a Community Park) located on the north side of Torain Street at the northeast corner of the <br />intersection of Torain Street and Rainey Avenue (Orange County Tax Map #s 4.S.A.15 and 4.S.A.15A). The case <br />was continued to the Board's September 10, 2008 meeting. <br />The Board received and discussed the County's request to continue the case to a future, undetermined date per a <br />May 30, 2008 letter from Ms. Marabeth Carr, ASLA, RLA, Landscape Architect, with the Orange County <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Department. However, several of the Board members present expressed <br />concern that an undesired precedent would be set by not continuing the case to a date certain and leaving the <br />continuance date open indefmitely. As part of the discussion, I informed the Board that, per the aforementioned <br />letter, had agreed to give Town Planning staff notice of the County's intent to proceed with the review of the <br />application no less then 30 days before the desired meeting date. This did not change the results of the discussion <br />and the Board's ultimate motion on the matter. <br />Please be advised that the Board has requested that a status report on the project be presented at that meeting and, if <br />necessary, the County could ask for a further continuance of the case at that time. Staff has been directed to give <br />informal notice of the September meeting to the Fairview Community Watch group and the News of Orange. <br />Please feel free to contact me at (919) 732-1270, Extension 73, if you have any questions or need to discuss this <br />matter fixrther. <br />Sincerely, <br />Tom King, AICP, CZO <br />Senior Planner <br />cc: Town of Hillsborough <br />Mike Hammersley, PE, Corley, Redfoot, Zack, Inc. <br />Marabeth Carr, ASLA, RLA, Orange County Environment and Resource Conservation Department <br />Lori Taft, Orange County Recreation and Parks Department <br />Conditional Use-2 Permit File (Fairview Pazk) <br />101 East Orange Street • P.O. Box 429 Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />919-732-1270 Fax 919-644-2390 <br />