Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT ONE (1) -REZONING/SUP ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Page 1 -1 <br />RECOMMENDATION TABLE r <br />`~ <br />REZONING: <br />The processing of a rezoning request is in accordance with the provisions of Article Twenty (20) <br />Amendments of the Zoning Ordinance (hereafter `Ordinance'). As part of the review of this <br />request, the Zoning Officer is required to cause an analysis to be made of the application, and <br />based upon that analysis, prepare a recommendation for consideration of the request for review <br />by the Planning Board (hereafter `Board') and Board of County Commissioners (hereafter <br />`BOCC'). <br />Additionally both the Ordinance and North Carolina General Statutes, specifically 153A-341, <br />requires that the review of any and all Zoning Atlas and/or Text amendments include written <br />comments and recommendations on the consistency of the proposed amendment with an adopted <br />Comprehensive Plan and any other relevant plans (i.e. Small Area Plan, a corridor plan, a <br />transportation plan, etc.) that have been adopted by the governing board. <br />Prior to adopting or rejecting any rezoning request, the BOCC is required to adopt a statement <br />describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining <br />why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest. <br />The following chart details: <br />1. The Zoning Ordinance requirement concerning a rezoning request, <br />2. Staff's recommendation concerning the appropriateness of the application and its <br />consistency with. the various provisions of the Ordinance, <br />3. The Planning Board's recommendation, and <br />4. The Administrations' recommendations/comments concerning the approval of this <br />project. <br />PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SHADED AREAS INDICATES CONCURRENCE OF <br />REFERENCED PARTIES (i.e. STAFF, PLANNING BOARD, ETC.) <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIItEMENT: ZONING OFFICER <br />RECOMMENDATION: PLANNING BOARD <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT: Section 20.2 Amendment Initiation: <br />Subject to the limitations of the foregoing Statement of Intent, an amendment to this ordinance may be initiated by: (a) <br />The Board of County Commissioners, (b) The Planning Board, (c) Application, by any person or agency. <br />Section 20.2: Staff reconmierided_ apprt~val Ai their May 2 i, 200$ <br />Amendment Initiation - as detailed by;~ the evidence: Special meeting, the .Board <br /> and testime~ny offered by the voted unanimously to <br /> Zoning Officer as noted' accept staff's <br /> within the full applicati~sn, the : recbrnmeadation and <br /> 3 s`, anti 1 "notebooks findingz <br /> provided to the aril. <br />