Orange County NC Website
<br />Name: Eleanor Matthews <br />Address: 4502 Mill Creek Rd. <br />City: Cedar Grove, N.C. 27231 <br />- • .,,.,. <br />Data: July z4, Iwo <br />EXTERIOR: <br />1. Install a new exterior front door unit. Install a 36" 6-panel metal <br />door unit. Door unit to include a keyed lockset, deadbolt keyed to <br />match the lockset and wide view door viewer. New door to open, <br />close and lock properly. Note: Door to have glazed area at top. <br />( Consult Rehabilitation Specialist) <br />Note: Reinstall alarm sensor on front door frame. <br />2. Install a new exterior door unit on the storage room. Install a <br />6-panel metal door unit of matching size. Door unit to include <br />a keyed lock and deadboit keyed alike. New door to open, close <br />and lock properly. Install metal drip edge on top brick molding. <br />3. Install a 36" self storing stone door on the front door. Storm <br />door to include lock, closer, sweep. New door to open, close <br />and latch properly. <br />4. Install a new exterior sliding door unit on the rear left corner. <br />Sliding door to be complete with sliding screen and lock. <br />Install all necessary exterior and interior trim. Finish trim to <br />match existing finishes. New door to open close and lock <br />properly. Install proper flashing at sill and over top header. <br />5. Replace seven (7) sheets of damaged siding. Refer to Rehabilitation <br />Specialist for location. Install siding using a # 8 or # 10 <br />galvanized siding nail. Remove all necessary trim to install <br />new siding. Prime new siding with an oil based primer. _ <br />6. Replace six (6} damaged corner boards. Install matching trim. <br />Trim to be finish grade yellow pine or cedar. Use # 10 <br />galvanized siding nails. Pre-drill holes as necessary to keep <br />trim from splintering and cracking. Caulk as necessary. <br />•Prime new trim with an oil based primer. <br />7. Remove the back porch to the ground. Remove and replace the <br />damaged section on band and sill. (Approx. 8-10 ft) Support the Dining <br />room floor using a temporary drop girder. <br />Install pressure treated sill and band. Note: Siding to he cut <br />around new porch. <br />Page 1 <br />