Orange County NC Website
q <br />The Honorable Barry Jacobs <br />July 16, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />exerting its full authority over any areas it annexes, whether they are in <br />Durham County or Orange County. <br />Objective CR-10, on page 6-53, states that Orange County should "Establish a <br />dialogue with the other jurisdictions in and adjacent to Orange County to address <br />cultural resources without assigned advocates." The Draft Plan could be <br />improved with a full explanation of "assigned advocates". Durham has a joint <br />city-county Historic Preservation Comrnission. Would this commission be our <br />"assigned advocates" regarding cultural resources? And, therefore, would <br />Orange County not desire a dialogue with Durham on cultural resources? <br />On page 8-9, line 25, Durham County is listed as a wastewater provider. <br />Durham County is not a utility provider. This Tabel .should be changed to the <br />City of Durham. <br />Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important endeavor by <br />Orange County to shape i future over the next few decades. <br />Sincerely, <br />Willi V `Bil " ell, <br />