Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Public Hearing Draft Comprehensive Plan* (posted May 7, 2008) <br />• 1981 Land Use Plan <br />*For anyone wishing to see the differences between the First Draft Comprehensive Plan <br />(March 5th) and the Public Hearing Draft, a version is provided on the website referenced <br />above that tracks the changes. <br />In addition to posting the Draft Comprehensive Plan online, copies of the Plan have been made <br />available for reference at the County's public libraries and at the Orange County Planning and <br />Inspections Department. <br />Attachments <br />Attachment 1 -Includes Courtesy Review letters from the Town of Chapel Hill and the City of <br />Durham. Formal invitation to provide Courtesy Review was also extended by the County to the <br />Towns of Carrboro and Hillsborough and the City of Mebane. <br />Attachment 2 -Includes proposals received from the Orange Unified Transportation Board <br />(Transportation Element); and the Agricultural Preservation Board, Commission for the <br />Environment, and Historic Preservation Commission (Natural and Cultural Systems Element). <br />Attachment 3 -Includes the written comments received, primarily from the public, from May 19tH <br />through August 13tH <br />Attachment 4 - Provides a general comparison between the public hearing draft <br />Comprehensive Plan and the adopted 1981 Land Use Element. <br />NEXT STEPS: (taken from BOCC approved Timetable) <br />Sept. 3~d Regular Planning Board Meeting (6:30-7:30 PM) -Continue review of <br />comments and development of list of suggested revisions <br />Sept. 10tH Special Planning Board .Meeting (6:30-9:00 PM) -Complete review, finalize <br />list of suggested revisions, and develop recommendation to BOCC <br />Sept. 16tH Status report from staff to BOCC <br />Sept. 22"d Draft abstracts due for the Oct. 7tH BOCC Meeting <br />Oct. 7~' BOCC receives Planning Board's recommendation and list of suggested <br />revisions and adopts Comprehensive Plan to include revisions or amends <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with hearing this item. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): In accordance with the approved timetable, Administration <br />recommends: 1) Closing the May 19, 2008 Public Hearing on the draft Comprehensive Plan; 2) <br />Holding and closing the August 25, 2008 Public Hearing on the draft Comprehensive Plan; and <br />3) Referring the draft Plan to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the <br />BOCC October 7, 2008. <br />The Planning Board will provide specific recommendations for changes to the draft <br />Comprehensive Plan that may be required in response to comments heard from the BOCC <br />