Orange County NC Website
ARTICLE 8 -SPECIFIC STANDARDS <br />("Yes" indicates complianceā€¢_°No" indicates non-compliance <br />PLANNING STAFF <br />RECOMMENDED <br />FINDINGS <br />Ordinance Requirements <br />Article 8.2.4 requires the <br />applicant to address the <br />following: <br />a) .Method and adequacy of <br />provision for sewage <br />disposal facilities, solid <br />waste and water service. <br />b) Method and adequacy of <br />police, fire and rescue <br />squad protection. <br />c) Method and adequacy of <br />vehicle access to the site <br />and traffic conditions <br />around the site. <br />x Yes No <br />_ Yes X No <br />_x_Yes No <br />EVIDENCE SUBMITTED <br />TO SUPPORT FINDINGS <br />Letters of approval from <br />County Engineer and <br />President of Orange <br />Alamance Water System, Inc <br />are provided <br />Fire and rescue are adequate. <br />Sheriff has yet to respond. <br />There are two different direct <br />routes to the site. <br />Anticipated traffic will be <br />approximately 380-450 trips <br />per day. There is adequate <br />capacity on the two roads to <br />handle the additional trips. <br />~~ <br />PLANNING BOARD <br />RECOMMENDED <br />FINDINGS <br />Yes Nb <br />Yes No <br />Yes No <br />C:\Documents and Settings\Rdavis\Desktop\Efland Commons\Staff Findings for Efland Commons PD.doc <br />