Orange County NC Website
~~, <br />ARTICLE 8 8 29 -MAJOR SUBDIVISION CLASS A SPECIAL USE (RURAL DESIGNATED OR URBAN DESIGNATED) <br />SPECIFIC STANDARDS (continued) <br />("Yes" indicates complianceā€¢ "No" indicates non-compliance) <br />PLANNING STAFF PLANNING BOARD <br />RECOMMENDED EVIDENCE SUBMITTED RECOMMENDED <br />FINDINGS TO SUPPORT FINDINGS FINDINGS <br />e. Stormwater Management <br />1. No net increase in peak x Yes No Erosion Control to evaluate Yes <br />flow leaving the site from final plans upon submittal <br />the predevelopment <br />conditions for the 1 year, <br />24-hour storm; . <br />2. The stormwater x Yes No Swales, natural flow and low Yes <br />management system must impact devices such as level <br />respect existing drainage spreaders will be used to <br />patterns. Runoff shall be handle stormwater <br />directed away from <br />erosion-prone slopes. <br />3. Energy dissipaters shall x Yes No Yes <br />be used where runoff is Swales, natural flow and low <br />concentrated and impact devices such as level <br />discharged, for example, at spreaders will be used to <br />downspouts from rooftops handle stormwater <br />and storm drains at parking <br />areas. Runoff shall not be <br />discharged directly into <br />surface water, or other <br />environmentally sensitive <br />areas; <br />4. Concentrated x Yes No Swales, natural flow and low Yes <br />stormwater, conveyed by impact devices such as level <br />ditches, channels, pipes, spreaders will be used to <br />swales or other handle stormwater <br />conveyance systems must <br />be dispersed and diffuse <br />flow reestablished prior to <br />discharge into a stream <br />buffer; <br />5. Nitrogen load x Yes No Erosion Control will evaluate Yes <br />contribution must be held final submittal drawing and <br />to 3.6 Ibs per acre per enforce accordingly <br />year. <br />f. Drainage <br />1. All drainage structures x Yes No Stormwater Maintenance Yes <br />will be installed and Agreement will be recorded <br />maintained according to with final plat <br />the approved Stormwater <br />Management Plan. <br />Nb <br />No <br />No <br />No <br />No <br />No <br />C:1Documents and Settings\Rdavis\Desktop\Efland Commons\Staff Findings for Efland Commons PD.doc <br />