Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />ARTICLE 8.8.29 -MAJOR SUBDIVISION CLASS A SPECIAL USE (RURAL DESIGNATED OR URBAN DESIGNATED <br />SPECIFIC STANDARDS (continued) <br />("Yes" indicates complianceā€¢ "No" indicates non-compliance) <br />PLANNING STAFF PLANNING BOARD <br />RECOMMENDED EVIDENCE SUBMITTED RECOMMENDED <br />FINDINGS TO SUPPORT FINDINGS FINDINGS <br />b. Tree protection x Yes No <br />measures shall be installed Tree protection fence will be <br />and maintained between all required at the Erosion <br />areas of disturbance and Control permit stage. <br />trees to be retained as <br />shown on the approved <br />landscape plan. A detail of <br />the tree protection barrier <br />proposed shall be included <br />as part of the landscape <br />plan submitted with the <br />application; <br />Yes <br />No <br />c. Corridors connecting x Yes No Yes <br />habitats identified in the Open Space connectivity is <br />biological inventory shall be shown on Conventional Site <br />preserved along streams, Plan <br />buffers, or other wooded <br />areas. If destroyed during <br />construction, such <br />connections shall be <br />restored using appropriate <br />plant materials; <br />d. Trees and stumps x Yes No Resources Management Plan Yes <br />cleared for roads and states that no burning of <br />building construction shall construction debris will <br />either be used for timber occur. <br />purposes or shredded for <br />landscape mulch, <br />composted, buried or <br />otherwise disposed of BUT <br />NOT BURNED. <br />2. Berms, fences and x Yes No No fences or walls noted to Yes <br />landscaping walls may be be necessary by Staff <br />used with plant materials for <br />screening, provided such <br />features are designed and <br />located in harmony with <br />other site features and <br />functions. <br />r <br />3. To minimize visual impact x Yes No No entrance sign is proposed Yes <br />by blending architecture into <br />the surrounding landscape, <br />foundation plantings are <br />required at all freestanding <br />entrance signs. <br />4. Use of xeriscaping x Yes No Preservation is the top Yes <br />principles. priority in the landscaping; <br /> suitable plants will be used <br />No <br />No <br />No <br />No <br />No <br />C:\Documents and Settings\Rdavis\Desktop\Efland Commons\Staff Findings for Efland Commons PD.doc <br />