Minutes - 19680903
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19680903
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BC'K 7 FACE 140 <br />' Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was <br />moved that Orange County withdraw its apposition to the Orange-Alamance Water <br />Systems, Inc. contingent upon the proviso that Hillsborough and the Orange- <br />Alamance Water Systems, Inc, work out its contract to furnish one million gallons <br />of water per, Chairman Bennett called for a vote on said motion and there <br />were two ayes and three nays. Chairman Bennett declared the motion defeated. <br />It was moved by Commissioner Ward, that Chairman Bennett write Melvin <br />Hearn, State Director Farmers Home Administration, advising him that the position <br />of the Orange County Board of Commissioners is the same position as that stated <br />in a letter to him from S. M. Gattis, County Administrator. This motion died for <br />the lack of a second <br />C. W. Davis, Orange County's representative on the Conservation and Development <br />Resource Committee,requesting that a meeting of all committee members and Commissioners <br />representing the six counties be planned. Chairman Bennett advised Mr. Davis <br />that the Board would be in favor for such a meeting and asked that he arrange said <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Davis requested that the orange County Board of Commissioners approach <br />Donald Stanford, Orange County's Legislator, and have him to exempt Orange County <br />from the General Statutes which prohibits the destruction and/or killing of coons. <br />Commissioner Ray suggested that an open season not be declared in order to protect <br />other small game but that a season for the hunting of coons be adopted instead. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ray, Chairman <br />Bennett was authorized to sign the foiling Aid to the Blind Agenda: <br />AID OT THE BLIND AGENDA <br />September 3, 1968 <br />NAME EFF. DATE AMOUNT REASON <br />New <br />Sarah E. Carden 9-1-68 121.00 Attained technical eligibility. <br />REVISIONS <br />Lizzie R. West 10-1-68 38 to 39 Increased food allowance. <br />Joe Mason 10-1-68 95 to 97 Increased food allowance. <br />Ada B. Rogers 10-1-68 154 to 156 Increased food allowance. <br />Frank Woods 10-1-68 58 to 59 Increased in food allowance. <br />Lucy S. Reed 10-.-68 78 to 73 Increased cost of variable <br />cost items. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was moved <br />and unanimously adopted, that Chairman Bennett and Pearson Stewart investigate the <br />possibility of locating the State Zoo in the "Egypt Section of Orange County." <br />There being no further business to come before the meeting said meeting <br />was adjourned. <br />Harvey D. Bennett, Chairman <br />Betty June Rayes, Clerk
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