Orange County NC Website
MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY d."X 7 PACE 123 <br />BOARD OF COTOUSSIOiiERS <br />July 1, 1968 <br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, met in <br />regular session at 10:00 o'clock A.M., July 1, 1968, at the Courthouse in <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina, the usual place of meeting. <br />Members Present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett and Commissioners William C. Ray, <br />Carl PI. Smith, Henry S. Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />I•Iembers Absent: None <br />I•Iinutes of the previous meetings held in June were read and approved after <br />corrections. <br />Chairman Bennett read a letter of resignation from W. E. Thompson, Chairman <br />of the Orange County Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. The resignation of Mr. <br />Thompson was accepted with regret and the clerk was instructed to write a letter <br />of appreciation to Mr. Thompson. <br />Chairman Bennett read a le+pter of resignation from Aubrey Harward, member of <br />the Carrboro Board of Adjustments. The clerk was instructed to write a letter of <br />appreciation to Mr. Harward. <br />The report of the Grand Jury was read to the Board by Chairman Bennett. <br />Chairman Bennett read a letter from Pearson Stewart of the Research Triangle <br />Commissioa.relative to the expansion of the proposed water project plans of the <br />Orange-Alamance Water Systems, Inc.. The County Administrator presented a draft <br />of a letter which contained the objections of Orange County to the proposed water <br />project plans of the Orange Alamance Water Systems, Inc. <br />Chairman Bennett presented a letter from Apparel, Inc. of Mebane. Said letter <br />advised the Board that this company would be beginning construction of a plant to be <br />located in the industrial park area and requested that the proper water and sewer <br />lines be made available for their use. <br />J <br />C. W. Davis, Orange County's representative, on the Conservation and Development <br />Commission requested that the Board of Commissioners meet with all agencies in order <br />that the final draft of the project plans for said eo_nmission might be adopted. Mr. <br />Davi equested that $250.00 be allocated to the Conservation and Development <br />Commies n to help defray the expenses for clerical help. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Ray, the following <br />ordinance was unanimously adopted: <br />E B ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE COMITY as follows: <br />It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to: <br />(a) Obtain ambulance service without intending at the time of obtaining such <br />service to pay, if financially able,'the necessary charges. A determination <br />that the recipient of such service has failed to pay for the service rendered <br />for a period of ninety (90) days after request for payment, that the <br />recipient is financially able to do so shall raise a presumption that the <br />recipient of the service did not intend to nay for the service at the time <br />it was obtained; or <br />(b) To knowingly, have reason to know, or wilfully summons an ambulance or <br />report that an ambulance is needed when such person knows that the service <br />of an ambulance is not needed. <br />(c) To furnish the operator.of an ambulance service with false names or <br />addresses with respect to any service rendered under this article. <br />A road petition was presented for Oak Hills Subdivision and the clerk was <br />instructed to forward to State Highway Commission. <br />Chairman Bennett read a letter from W. c. Kutz, Realtor, relative to the <br />disposal of trash and garbage along the country roads and wooded area. Mx. Kutz <br />requested that a garbage disposal area be made available for the citizens of <br />j Chapel Hill Township. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ray, Chairman <br />Bennett was authorized to sign the following Blind Aid Grants: