Orange County NC Website
<br />~. Orange County Tax Assessor's Office 3 <br />. PO Box 8181 <br />. Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Orange County Tax Office <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />FROM: john Smith, Assessor <br />Teresa Moore, Use Program Administrator <br />SUBJECT: Proposed Legislation for NCACC consideration <br />DATE: October 6, 2000 <br />,We've been asked to supply information related to two of the proposals being <br />considered by the commissioners for presentation to the NCACC. <br />The first of these proposals recommends the creation of a standazdized format and <br />language that will provide for more uniform interpretation and application of the <br />Use Value System as it relates to farming and real property taxes. The Use Value <br />Program is outlined in the North Cazolina General Statutes GS 105-277.2 through <br />GS 105-277.7 plus GS 105-282.1, 289, 296, GS 1b0A-37 and GS 105-1d0A-49 as <br />well as other related. statutes. Undoubtedly, a law degree is desirable when <br />attempting to understand or administer the program. Even the Use Value course <br />booklet that the NC Department of Revenue uses in the Use Value seminars is over <br />an inch thick with approximately X00 pages. <br />The Use Value Program was created in the 1970's and has undergone many changes <br />since that time. Many who ixutially were restricted from participation have since <br />been allowed participation as the regulations have been relaxed and expanded over <br />the years. Most likely, over time, the statutes have been written, rewritten, and <br />amended time and time again. A complete rewrite of all the statutes and the related <br />statutes would be a huge undertaking and could have positive results or less than <br />positive results. I remember last year how diligently our county attorney worked in <br />proposing a rewrite of a small portion of the Use Value statutes. In tax law, as well <br />as in most instances of law, changes in one-area impacts other areas as well. <br />Should you have questions please call John Smith <br />732-8981 ext. 2101. ........................... . <br />