Orange County NC Website
1i; <br />. ~_ d <br />7r...1 <br />STATE op NORTH CAROLINA <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />LAMES B. HUNT JR. DAVID McCOY <br />GOVERNOR <br />~ ~ 15 May 2000 StiCR$7'ARY <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />Philip N. Post <br />Philip Post & Associates <br />401 Providence Road <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />9l9 493-?d00 <br />SUBJECT: Final Plan Approval: Sunrise Spring Subdivision located off Sunrise Road <br />near Sunrise Road (SR 173?) <br />Dear Mr. Post: <br />This ofl•ice has completed its review of the subject's proposed Fnal plans for compliance with current Department of <br />Transportation minimum subdivision construction standards. We wish to advise that the final plans received at this <br />office are hereby approved. Pursuant to this approval, this office will require you to make the oavner/developer <br />aware of the following requirements beforo starting any construction. <br />I . Prior to any .construction of any new access or alteration of any existing access within the right of way, the <br />developer/owner is required to secure a permit with this office. !t is the responsibility of the owner/developer <br />t0 Obtaln a pei771IL . <br />2. During the construction, it is die tesponsibiliry of the owneNdeveloper to provide verification certifying that the <br />roadway s<ufate, draiasge, and seeding satisfies the approved design outside the State's right of way. <br />3. When wotidri$ within die Start's right of way, the owner/developerwiLl contact the Graham District Office <br />before each of the following phases: (A) Draiaage, (B) Grading, (C) Placement of base (D) Paving, and (E) <br />Seeding. Failure oo nodfy this office before tacit phase of construction may justify verification certified and <br />signed by a professional engineer. <br />4. In accordance with the General Statute i36-102.x, new roads are not eligible for the State Maintenance system <br />unless cetrtain requirements are meL An explat-atioe of these requirements can be found on pages l3. l~l. and <br />1 S of the current (January 3000) NCDOT Subdivision Roads Manual. Particular attention should be placed on <br />items ? (petition for additions S, 6, and 7 (occupied housing requirement), !0, t I, 13, and 13. <br />P. 0. BOX 7C6 GRAHAM, NC Z72S3 PH# 336-570-6833, FAX# 336-570-15873 <br />