Agenda - 10-03-2000-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-03-2000
Agenda - 10-03-2000-9c
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8/29/2008 11:21:50 AM
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Minutes - 10-03-2000
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MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor and Town Council <br />From: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager <br />SUBJECT: Response to petition regarding Streetscape improvements in front of the Skills <br />Development Center <br />DATE: May 22, 2000 <br />This report provides information about what steps need to be taken to design and construct Streetscape <br />improvements in front of the Skills Development Center. It also provides preliminary cost estimates for <br />the work and suggests different approaches to scheduling its completion. <br />Adoption of Resolution A would authorize the Town Manager to allocate $60,000 in available <br />Streetscape bond funding to reimburse the Orange County Skills Development Center for the cost of <br />Streetscape improvements within the public right -of -way on the south side of the 500 block of West <br />Franklin Street. <br />Adoption of Resolution B would authorize the Town Manager to postpone Town construction projects <br />scheduled for fall 2000 and allocate $20,000 in available Streetscape bond funding to construct <br />Streetscape improvements within the public right -of -way on the south side of the 500 block of West <br />Franklin Street using Town labor in fall 2000. <br />Adoption of Resolution C would instruct the Town Manager to include construction of Streetscape <br />improvements within the public right -of -way on the south side of the 500 block of West Franklin Street <br />among options for upcoming consideration by the Council for construction using Town labor in late <br />spring and summer of 2001. <br />The Manager recommends adoption of Resolution A. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In late 1998, during construction of the interior renovations at the Skills Development Center, <br />preliminary plans were provided to the Town for development of a landscaped area in front of the <br />building located at 503 West Franklin. During the Town staffs review of these plans it became apparent <br />that development of this landscaped area would likely involve some construction in the public <br />right -of -way and would impact future Streetscape improvements in this area. In response to this, the <br />County provided more detailed plans (Attachment #1), dated February 17, 1999, that included <br />reconstruction of much of the existing Streetscape. At that time the Town staff requested revisions to <br />the plans to make the Streetscape elements of the project more compatible with other downtown areas <br />and to tie the sidewalk material, location and width into the improvements underway in front of the <br />adjacent Chapel Hill Newspaper Building. <br />
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