Orange County NC Website
MEMoRANnuM <br />TO: County Commissioners <br />COPIES: John Link, County Manager <br />FROM: Paul Thames, PE, County Engineer <br />DATE: September 27, 2000 <br />SUBJECT: Expansion of the Efland Sewer System <br />As per requests from County Commissioners and from the County Manager, the following information <br />is provided as to how and when the expansion of the Efland Sewer System, and particulazly the portion <br />to the system expansion to be financed primarily through proceeds of the 1997 Efland Sewer Bond, <br />might be accomplished. <br />There aze essentially two primary strategies or options, each with many potential iterations, which <br />would provide for the expansion of the sewer system. <br />O_ ption I involves proceeding only with the expansion of the sewer in the azea defined by the 1997 <br />Efland Sewer Bond. That area, shown in the attached map, can be roughly defined as that area bounded <br />by the Lloyd dairy on the east, McGowan Creek on the north, Efland-Cedar Grove Road on the west and <br />Southern Railroad on the south. <br />Option II involves developing and adopting a master plan that defines the ultimate sewer service area <br />for the Efland Sewer System, integrating the bond referendum defined service area into the master plan <br />and sequencing the phases of system development. <br />Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. The primary advantage of Option I is that it would <br />allow the County to fulfill its commitments as defined by the 1997 bond referendum in the near term. It <br />1S not llkely that deC1510I1S made by the BOCC as t0 the eXpansiaII of the Sealer Systems to those areas <br />outside of the bond referendum defined service azea would have a significant impact on the design or <br />extent of the system within the bond referendum defined area. It is also unlikely that; even if the BOCC <br />were to immediately direct staff to proceed with the process of acquiring engineering/surveying services <br />and starting sewer design for the bond defined azea, construction documentation could be made ready <br />in time for submittal at the March 31, 2001 deadline far the FY 2001-2002 Clean Water Grant <br />applications. However, if the documents could be gotten ready and if the grant application were <br />successful, it is probable that all of the funds from the Bond referendum would not have to be spent for <br />design and construction of the azea outlined in the referendum. Unspent bond funds could then be <br />applied to the expansion of the sewer system into other areas as tazgeted and prioritized by the BOCC. <br />