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flff~ ~ yd <br />Prepared by Donna.Dean, Budget Director, September 2000 <br />19 <br />State Methods of Determining Number of Students in a School District <br />According to the North Carolina Department of Instruction, there are four separate <br />methodologies for determining the number of students in a particular school district. <br />Enrollment -The term enrollment represents the number of students registered in the <br />school system, regardless of whether or not the student actually attends classes. Once <br />the system initially counts a student in its enrollment figure, that student remains iri the <br />school district's count throughout the school .year. A district does not reduce its <br />enrollment for transfers, withdrawals, deaths or midyear graduations. Therefore, a <br />district's end of the year enrollment shows a higher count than the actual number of <br />students attending classes. <br />2. Average Daily Membership (ADM) -Average Daily Membership (ADM) is based on the <br />total number of school days that a student's name is on the current roll of a class, <br />regardless of whether that student is present or absent. To calculate a district's ADM, <br />total the number of days in membership for all students and divide that total by the, <br />number of school days in the term. The final ADM is the total days in membership for all <br />students over the school year divided by the number of days school was in session. This <br />is a more accurate count of the number of students than enrollment. <br />3. Average Daily Attendance (ADA) _ADA is based on the number of students that are <br />actually present when school is in session. To calculate the ADA, total the number of <br />days each student is present and divide that total by the total number of school days in <br />that period. <br />4. Membership Last Day, Promotions, Non-Promotions -Membership Last Day refers to <br />the number of students remaining in membership on the last day of the school year. <br />Method of Determining Factors in Calculation <br />Number of Students Calculations <br />Enrollment # of students Total number of students registered <br /> .registered in a school system for the entire <br /> school year, regardless of whether <br /> they attend class in that system or <br /> not. <br />Average Daily # of school days a Number of days in membership for <br />Membership (ADM) student's name is on all students divided by number of <br /> the current class roll school da s in the term <br />Average Daily # of school days a Number of days of attendance for all <br />Attendance (ADA) student is present students divided by total number of <br /> when school is in school days in a given period <br /> session <br />Membership Last Day, # of students in Total number of students registered <br />Promotions and Non- registered on last day in membership on the last day of the <br />Promotions of school school ear. <br />